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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Scope Note: Formal and systematic written expositions of the principles of a subject, generally longer and more detailed than essays.

Found in 286 Collections and/or Records:

Letters of Jane Carlyle Aitken, four of her daughter, Mary, and others of the Carlyle family.

Identifier: Acc.6267
Scope and Contents

With a copy of "The Saints` Everlasting Rest (1833), inscribed by Thomas Carlyle, and an engraved portrait of him.

Dates: 1833, 1858-? 1866, and undated.

Manuscript, 15th century, of a copy of the `Expositio symboli apostolorum` by Joannes de Marienwerder.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.6.15
Scope and Contents The main text (folio 10) is preceded (folio 1) by the anonymous `Tabula expositionis` (see ‘Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi’, numbers 4780 and 4780.1), and followed (folio 142 verso) by ` De octo beatitudinibus` (‘Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi’, number 4780, 1.1). The latter appears to be incomplete, breaking off after the third Beatitude.The manuscript is in one hand throughout, with the exception of folio 146. Written in brown ink with large initials, headings and chapter...
Dates: 15th century

Manuscript and marked proofs, "The State in its relations with the Church", by William Gladstone., 1838.

Identifier: MSS.42266-42267
Scope and Contents

'The State in its relations with the Church' was written by William Gladstone and published by John Murray in 1838. It proved popular, going through four editions by 1851. The manuscript for this work is heavily annotated, with many deletions, insertions and corrections. The proofs are likewise marked by Gladstone.

Dates: 1838.

Manuscript chiefly concerning alchemy., 17th century.

Identifier: MS.5776
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:(i) Two poems about alchemy, in different hands, entitled 'Amen his huntinge of the Green Lyon' (an account of an experiment with green vitriol), and 'The vision of Sir George Ripley, Chanon of Bridlington' (folios 1, 4);(ii) Directions for alchemical experiments to find the quintessence of wine, honey, sugar, blood, etc., taken from 'the first part of the vegetables of Mr Isaac of Holland, philosophe' and others of his works (presumably...
Dates: 17th century.

Manuscript containing various legal works, compiled in 1704.

Identifier: MS.9248
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) Abridgement of ‘Jus Feudale’ by Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton. The text is in a considerably shorter form than the usual epitomes (for which see MS.1950 and Adv.MSS.25.6.1-2, 28.3.14), and omits book i, 11 and 13, book ii, 5 and 15, and book iii, 4 and 7. (Folio 1.)(ii) "Inventory of ane Burges's airship moveables". (Folio 88.) (iii) Latin mottoes. (Folio 90.)(iv) Notes on land measures in Scotland and weights...
Dates: [1704, or before.]

Manuscript entitled ‘Traite du Blazon’.

Identifier: Adv.MS.31.7.19
Scope and Contents The treatise is in thirty-five chapters and is followed (folio 105) by explanatory notes to the illustrations, and (folio 127) by the illustrations themselves, which are in trick. It is preceded (folio 1 verso) by a diagram of the divisions of a field.Three folios which probably contained the title page and dedication have been removed from between folios 2 and 3. Offsets of the dedication survive, from which it appears that the author`s name was Bonin, and that he presented his...
Dates: 1678.

Manuscript of `A Treatise on Taste` by Robert Wallace, Minister of West St. Giles, Edinburgh, and writer on population.

Identifier: Adv.MS.23.3.18(i)-(ii)
Scope and Contents

This work was prepared for the press by Robert Wallace`s son, George Wallace, Advocate, and includes numerous corrections in his hand. It was never published.

Dates: Mid 18th century.

Manuscript of 'De oratore' and the 'Orator' by Cicero.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.3.16
Scope and Contents (i) Cicero. `De oratore`. i. 1-9 ‘philoso]phiam’ are lost (folio 1).(ii) Cicero, `Orator`. 155 ‘quod erat usitatum’ to 173 ‘redundans and 235 ‘nec res’ to the end are lost. Folio 137 should stand before folio 131 (folio 110 verso).This is one of the many indirect copies of the `codex Laudensis`, the ancient manuscript of Cicero`s rhetorical works found at Lodi in 1421 and lost again in 1428. It is a good copy, related to O (Ottobon.2057) and P (Vat.Pal.1469). Space...
Dates: 15th century.

Manuscript of 'Oculus Sacerdotis' by William of Pagula.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.3.6
Scope and Contents The text (folio 12) contains the three sections of the treatise, ‘Pars Oculi`, `Dextera Pars` and `Sinistra Pars`, but cap. 26 to the end of the `Sinistra Pars` is missing. The text is preceded by:(i) Four short works on diet and blood-letting in English, beginning ‘Here seyth galian ye leche and thecheth of metes and drinkes’. At the end is a rubric ‘Secundum Robertum[?] Grant de Everton’ (folio 1 verso).(ii) Remarks on the qualities of the Virgin...
Dates: 14th century.

Manuscript of 'Secretum secretorum' by Pseudo-Aristotle, 'De excidio Troiae' by Dares Phrygius, and 'Historia regum Britannie' by Geoffrey of Monmouth; written by a 13th- or 14th-century hand of uncertain origin.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.4.5
Scope and Contents The contents of the volume are as follows:(i) Pseudo-Aristotle, 'Secretum secretorum' (edited by R. Steele, in 'Opera hactenus inedita Rogeri Baconi', fascicule V, pages 25-172). This manuscript contains the letter of Philip, a list of chapters, and the text in seven books (the headings for i, iv, and vi are omitted). It is of the common class, omitting all the test passages of Gilson and Steele (cf. 'Opera hactenus inedita Rogeri Baconi', pages xxv-xxvi); further omissions are...
Dates: 13th century-14th century.

Manuscript of the late 11th and early 12th century containing: the 'Paradisus' of Heraclides; the 'Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae sub Geiserico et Hunrico regibus Wandalorum' of Victor Vitensis; 'De corpore et sanguine Domini' of Paschasius Radbertus (attributed to Rabanus Maurus); 'De corpore Domini contra Berengarium' of Guitmund; and two sermons of St Augustine of Hippo.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.4.3
Scope and Contents Manuscript of the late 11th and early 12th century, written in England and containing various theological works. The manuscript has been dated to the early 12th century by Borland, Ker, Schenkl, Paul, and Römer. In private correspondence with the National Library of Scotland Michael Gullick has stated that folios 1-122 were written at Durham, probably in the 1090s, but definitely before 1096. He further suggests that folios 123-149 were added to the manuscript sometime in the late 11th or...
Dates: Late 11th century - early 12th century.

Manuscript of the translation by Jacobus Venetus of the 'Analytica Posteriora' by Aristotle, with contemporary and later gloss.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.5.6
Scope and Contents Subscription, folio 36 verso: 'Explicit liber posteriorum simul cum tota nova logica'.Calligraphic initials in red and blue with elaborate scrollwork. Sentence and paragraph marks in red or blue. Marginal ink drawings of geometrical shapes (folios 19 verso, 20 recto), a dog (folio 28 verso) and a besieged castle (folio 29 recto).On the inside top cover is written '14/[ ] a/-'; on folio i verso in an 18th-century hand 'Ce petit traité sur aristote Manuscrit et [sic] de...
Dates: 14th century.

Manuscript, of uncertain origin written in the 12th or 13th century, containing medical treatises.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.6.13
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) Gariopontus, `Passionarius Galeni`, in seven books. The author`s name is not given; the title in the incipit is `liber Galieni ad Glaucum nepotem` (cf. British Library, Royal MS.12 E.XX, folio 33), in the explicit `liber Galieni Passionarius`. (Folio 1.)(ii) `Antidotarius particularis`, incipit `Aurea alexandrina antidotum facias ad reuma` (cf. ‘Catalogue of Incipits of Medieval Scientific Writings in Latin’, column...
Dates: 12th century-13th century.

Manuscript titled ‘A breife treatise concerning the mint or coyning hous in Scotland. Reduced and drawen in method 10 Nouember 1626’., 1611, 1626.

Identifier: MS.172
Scope and Contents

Includes copies of two letters from the Earl of Salisbury to the Earl of Dunfermline on the subject, 12 October and 13 November 1611.

Dates: 1611, 1626.

Manuscript, written in Italy in the 15th century, of works by or attributed to Lactantius.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.3.4
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) `De ira Dei` (folio 1). The text is similar to that printed in, ‘Patrologiae Cursus Completus ... Latina’, volume vii, 79-148, but contains 24 chapters (cf. ‘Patrologiae Cursus Completus ... Latina’, volume vii, 146, note). There are several lacunae which suggest that the scribe may have copied a damaged exemplar: part of chapters 16 and 17 is missing (folio 16 recto) and blank spaces have been left for two passages in chapter 18...
Dates: 15th century.

Manuscript, written in Italy, of 'De Lingua Latina' by Varro, containing books v to x.54 (‘contra in eo’).

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.3.15
Scope and Contents Headings in red. Initials of books v, vi, viii, and x have been cut out. Written in a small, round humanistic hand. Greek words are omitted or added by a later hand. What was probably an ownership inscription at the foot of folio 1 has been cut out. On the lower pastedown is written ‘1452 vezudo p(er) mi Zohane de ipescadun [?]’. The same note, dated 1451 or 1452, is found in other manuscripts: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud.Lat.48, Add.A2, D’Orville 36 and Canon.Misc.486 (see ‘Catalogue of...
Dates: Mid-fifteenth century; before 1452.