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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Scope Note: Refers to handwritten documents, and may also be used to distinguish certain documents from published or otherwise printed documents, as in the cases of typed personal letters or a typescript from which printed versions are made.

Found in 6567 Collections and/or Records:

Manuscript, written in 1489, of 'The Brus' of John Barbour.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.2.2(i)
Scope and Contents Manuscript written in Scotland containing the narrative poem The Bruce, or The Brus, of John Barbour. The colophon on folio 70r states that the work was transcribed in 1489 by John Ramsay, a prior of the Charterhouse of Perth, at the request of Symon Lochmalony, vicar of Auchtermoonzie in Fife.The work is written in Older Scots and is in double columns, with around 47 lines per column. The poem is divided into paragraphs and sections of varying lengths. A new paragraph is...
Dates: 1489.

Manuscript, written in England in the late 11th century, containing the satires of Persius, the fables of Avianus, and miscellaneous poetry and other works.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.6.12
Scope and Contents Most of the leaves are palimpsest, but the underwriting is illegible; it may be from the same manuscripts as that in Adv.MS.18.7.8 (pricking from the original manuscript survives on folios 3+6, 9, 16+23, 17+22, 26+29, 34+35, in one or both edges of the text-frame; the width of the ruled area was 172 millimetres in folios 3+6, 17+22, 26+29, 192 millimetres in folio 9.). See 'Notice et extraits d'un manuscrit d' Edinbourg', 33 and what follows.The contents of the manuscript are as...
Dates: Late 11th century.

Manuscript, written in Italy, containing the six plays of Terence.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.2.10
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:`Andria` (folio 1);`Eunuchus` (folio 22);`Heauton Timoroumenos` (folio 44 verso);`Adelphoe` (folio 65 verso);`Hecyra` (folio 86);`Phormio` (folio 105);with didascalia for `Eunuchus`, `Adelphoe`, and `Hecyra`; before the prologue to the `Andria` stands the short poem on Terence, ‘Anthologia Latina’ 487 c. The text belongs to the Calliopian...
Dates: 1438.

Manuscript, written in Italy in the 15th century, of works by or attributed to Lactantius.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.3.4
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) `De ira Dei` (folio 1). The text is similar to that printed in, ‘Patrologiae Cursus Completus ... Latina’, volume vii, 79-148, but contains 24 chapters (cf. ‘Patrologiae Cursus Completus ... Latina’, volume vii, 146, note). There are several lacunae which suggest that the scribe may have copied a damaged exemplar: part of chapters 16 and 17 is missing (folio 16 recto) and blank spaces have been left for two passages in chapter 18...
Dates: 15th century.

Manuscript, written in Italy, of 'De Lingua Latina' by Varro, containing books v to x.54 (‘contra in eo’).

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.3.15
Scope and Contents Headings in red. Initials of books v, vi, viii, and x have been cut out. Written in a small, round humanistic hand. Greek words are omitted or added by a later hand. What was probably an ownership inscription at the foot of folio 1 has been cut out. On the lower pastedown is written ‘1452 vezudo p(er) mi Zohane de ipescadun [?]’. The same note, dated 1451 or 1452, is found in other manuscripts: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud.Lat.48, Add.A2, D’Orville 36 and Canon.Misc.486 (see ‘Catalogue of...
Dates: Mid-fifteenth century; before 1452.

Manuscript, written in Italy, of the 'Satires' of Juvenal.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.3.14
Scope and Contents The manuscript is written by two 15th-century hands (changing after folio 30, vi. 487). Folio 70 (an inserted leaf) repeats xiv. 93-142, already written on folio 69. The first part is of the Ξ group (cf. `Handschriftliche Grundlagen des Juvenaltextes`); the second part, although it has the Ξ feature of xv being placed after xvi, appears to have a Ψ text.The first part is written in a neo-Caroline hand, closely imitating the script of the 11th and 12th centuries (indeed it has...
Dates: 15th century.

Manuscript, written in South France or Spain in the first half of the 12th-century, containing medical treatises.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.6.11
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) 'Liber febrium' by Isaac (Isḥāq ibn Sulaiman al-Isrā'ili), translated by Constantinus Africanus, in prologue and five books. The author and translator are given in the contents list only (folio 1).(ii) 'Secretum secretorum' by Pseudo-Aristotle, the medical section translated by Joannes Hispalensis, without title (folio 82). See 'Speculum', volume xxxiv, page 24.(iii) 'Micro-tegni' by Galen, translated by...
Dates: 1st half of 12th century.

Manuscript, written in the 14th century, containing extracts from 'De Clementia' and an incomplete text of 'Epistolae morales' by Seneca; with many contemporary annotations.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.6.16
Scope and Contents (i) Extracts from the ‘De clementia’, in two series, concerning respectively ‘clementia’ and ‘crudelitas’: i.1.5 ‘rarissimum’ – ‘est’, ‘nemo’ – ‘Romano’, i.1.6 ‘difficile’ – ‘procedunt’, i.1.7 ‘iam’ – ‘sunt’, ‘fecit’ – ‘assecuti’, i.2.2 ‘nec’ – ‘praeponderet’, 1.3.3 ‘nullum’ – ‘struendum est’, i.4.1 ‘ille’ – ‘fidem’, i.4.3 ‘olim’ – ‘capite’, i.5.1 ‘uides’ – ‘parcere’, i.5.3 ‘decet’ – ‘conspicitur’, i.5.5 ‘magnam’ – ‘despicere’, i.7.4 ‘humili’ – ‘liberius est’, i.8.1 ‘eorum’ - i.8.2 ‘timore’,...
Dates: 14th century.

Manuscript,1589, of a poem by Jacob Jacobsen Wolf in honour of the marriage of James VI and Anne of Denmark; with a printed work, 'Cenotaphium illustrissimo principi ac Domino Friderico II' (Rostochij, S. Myliander, 1588).

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.3.29
Scope and Contents Manuscript, probably written in Denmark, containing a complete copy of Jacob Jacobsen Wolf's wedding poem to King James VI and Princess Anne of Denmark. Harsting suggests that this manuscript is Wolf's original version of the Latin text and is written in his hand, in a humanistic script.The verses are written across the spread of two pages, from the verso of one leaf to the recto of the next. The manuscript was written in 1589, and Harsting suggests late November to...
Dates: 1589.

Manuscripts, 1850, 1869, of two slightly different versions of the ballad 'The Cantie Carlie', with correspondence and notes, 1869, 1885.

Identifier: MS.5292
Scope and Contents

The ballad is said to have been composed by the Reverend Gavin Mitchell, circa 1767.

Dates: 1850, 1869, 1885.

Manuscripts and a typescript of poems, articles and broadcasts of Alexander Scott., 1953-1969, undated.

Identifier: MS.26477
Scope and Contents

Most of the poems (folio 1) were published in Alexander Scott's ‘Double Agent: poems in English and Scots’ (Preston, 1972). The articles and broadcasts (folio 25) are on literary subjects, and include part of the introduction to ‘Contemporary Scottish verse’ (London, 1970).

Dates: 1953-1969, undated.

Manuscripts and a typescript of seven of the stories published in ‘The lost pibroch’ by Neil Munro., 1892-1897, undated.

Identifier: MS.26914
Scope and Contents

There are both early drafts and later manuscript versions of 'The fell Sergeant' and 'A fine pair of shoes'.

Dates: 1892-1897, undated.

Manuscripts and corrected typescripts of 90 poems of Gavin Ewart.

Identifier: Acc.8983
Scope and Contents

Including correspondence.

Dates: 1981-1984 and undated.

Manuscripts and drafts of and concerning George Douglas Brown.

Identifier: MSS.8171-8180
Scope and Contents

Many of the drafts are early compositions, but they include all that apparently now exists of 'The House with the Green Shutters', published in 1901 (MSS.8171-8172), and two items not by George Douglas Brown (MS.8178).

MSS.8171-8176 are written in school notebooks.

Dates: [1896, or before-?1901, ?1923.]

Manuscripts and drawings of William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn relating to his personal dreams., 1940-1955.

Identifier: MS.50168
Scope and Contents Manuscripts of William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn of records of his dreams.Manuscript, 1940, of William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn recording his dreams of the 4-5 August 1940. Folios 1-4.Manuscript, 1955, of William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn in which he has recorded his dreams of February, 16 April and 24-25 November 1955. Folios 5-10. Dream drawings of William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn.Drawings, 1950, 1952-1953, undated, of William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn....
Dates: 1940-1955.

Manuscripts and duplicated typescript of the comedy 'Right Royal' by Alexander Scott., [1954, or before.]

Identifier: MSS.26475-26476
Scope and Contents

The comedy was first produced by the Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow, in 1954, and later broadcast and televised.

Dates: [1954, or before.]

Manuscripts and fair typescripts of episodes 5-6 of 'Kilellan' by Robert McLellan., 1960.

Identifier: MS.26409
Scope and Contents

The contents are as follows. (i) Manuscript of 'Bumbee Willie', originally intended to be episode 5 (folio 1); (ii) Manuscript and fair typescript of episode 5, 'Scandal' (folio 14); (iii) Manuscript and fair typescript of episode 6, 'Politics' (folio 61).

Dates: 1960.