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Copies. Derivative objects.

Subject Source: Unspecified ingested source

Found in 3631 Collections and/or Records:

Miscellaneous documents and letters.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.1.35
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:(i) Papers connected with the reduction of the process of forfeiture of George Gordon, Earl of Huntly, William Douglas, Earl of Angus, and Francis Hay, Earl of Errol, 1597. See also Ch.B.40, and ‘Acts of the Parliament of Scotland’, volume iv, pages 124-130. (Folio 1.)(ii) Mock petition to the Lords of Session, in verse, beginning:`The Humble Petition of Mr Robert Cook,Having lost all His Means in following his...
Dates: 1597-1752.

Miscellaneous documents apparently from the library of the Reverend A J Macdonald, Minister of Killearnan., 17th century-early 20th century.

Identifier: MS.3784
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:(i) Gaelic texts of a tale and two songs (folio 1);(ii) Letters, notes, and texts of Gaelic poems from the Lochaber area, sent by the Reverend John Walker Macintyre, Minister of Kilmonivaig, to the Reverend A J Macdonald in 1911 (folio 6);(iii) Copies, made in 1897, of seventeenth-century papers belonging to the Earls of Antrim (folio 29);(iv) A letter and two documents relating to the Macdonalds of Sleat,...
Dates: 17th century-early 20th century.

Miscellaneous documents of Sir James Balfour.

Identifier: Adv.MS.33.7.5
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) `De Jure praelationis Nobilium Scotiae or Ane Memoriall of ye Evidents patents and rights producit be sundrie Earles and Lords Befor ye Comissioners ... anent ye precedencie and prioritie of dignities ... 1606`. In 1626 Balfour added (folio 16) notes on peers created since 1606. For other copies of this see Adv.MS.33.7.6 and MS.3171. (Folio 1.)(ii) ‘Memorialls extracted out of the imprinted Bookes of the Statuts and...
Dates: Circa 1308-1626.

Miscellaneous documents of the Hays of Yester including copies and typescripts., Early 17th century-[mid 20th century], undated.

Identifier: MS.14826
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:(i) 'Ane soverane and precious balm for the healing of all the distempers of all the reformed churches in Christen[dom] especially in thir nationes both in spiritualls & temporalles', early 17th century (folio 1);(ii) Notes, 1659, for the funeral sermon of Mr. Justice John Puleston (folio 3);(iii) A history of Drummond in Strathearn, 17th century (folio 39);(iv) ‘An advice for the educating of youth’, 17th...
Dates: Early 17th century-[mid 20th century], undated.

Miscellaneous documents relating to the Ogleface Friendly Society, 1794-1875; with typescript copies, circa 1965, of newspaper articles, 1958, of Nan Milton.

Identifier: Acc.3827
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:(i) Contract, 1794, of the Ogleface Friendly Society concerning the rental of property for a Hearse House (folio 1).(ii) Photograph of a printed sheet, 1795, "Conditions on which the Ogleface Friendly Society's Hearse is let out" (folio 3).(iii) 'Regulations of the Avonbridge New Hearse Society, instituted in 1842', printed, 1867 (folio 4).(iv) Fragments of minutes of the society, 1858, 1860, and the Treasurer's...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1795-1875, circa 1965.

Miscellaneous family correspondence, being chiefly letters to and some of Sir Charles and Lady Dalrymple., 1845-1916, undated.

Identifier: MS.25552
Scope and Contents

Correspondents include Sir Charles's Dalrymple brothers and sisters, and his nephew, Sir Charles Fergusson, 7th Baronet of Kilkerran, with copies of letters written while serving in South Africa during the Boer War. There are also letters from members of the Boyle and Hunter-Blair families, in particular Sir David Oswald Hunter-Blair, 5th Baronet, of Dunskey, and Abbot of Fort Augustus.

Dates: 1845-1916, undated.

Miscellaneous genealogical papers of and concerning the Keith family., 1623- [circa 1700].

Identifier: MS.21187A
Scope and Contents

The contents are as follows: (i) Copy, late seventeenth century, of a funeral oration in honour of George Earl Marischal (succeeded 1581) delivered in 1623 by William Ogston, professor of moral philosophy in Marischal College, Aberdeen (folio 1); (ii) A genealogical history, 1700, of the Earls Marischal (folio 16); (iii) Extracts and notes, circa 1700, from ‘Sutherlandia comitum annales’, a manuscript history dated 1631 and attributed to Alexander Ross of Aberdeen (folio 31).

Dates: 1623- [circa 1700].

Miscellaneous historical and topographical items, copied in the 18th century.

Identifier: Adv.MS.31.3.1
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) `A Chronological Sketch of the History of the Orkneys ... 875 to ... 1500’, possibly by George Low, minister of Birsay. It consists of fairly brief entries of historical events, followed (folio 9) by a copy of an Act of Parliament, 1471. (folio 1).(ii) Copy of `A Description of Zetland` by Thomas Gifford of Busta, 1733 (folio 11).(iii) Copy of an incomplete address to the Lord Provost on the name and...
Dates: 1471, 1618, 1670, 18th century.

Miscellaneous historical and topographical tracts, copied in the 17th and early 18th centuries.

Identifier: Adv.MS.20.6.1(i)-(xv)
Scope and Contents

There is a list of contents (folio i) in the same 19th-century hand which drew up the contents list in Adv.MS.22.2.10.

Dates: 17th century-circa 1754.

Miscellaneous items.

Identifier: Adv.MS.23.7.12
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) Abstract in English of Gerard Goris`s treatise on mercury, ‘Mercurius Triumphator’, probably made from the Leyden edition of 1717. Written in three hands of the early 18th century (folio 1).(ii) `The Dyet of Poland, A Satyr. Lib. J.H. Aug. 27. 1705.` A copy in two hands, of Daniel Defoe`s verse satire, published anonymously in London (with the false imprint `Dantzick`) in 1705 (folio 20). It is followed (folio 41) by a...
Dates: 16th century-18th century.

Miscellaneous items of or concerning Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott.

Identifier: Dep.308
Scope and Contents

Framed declaration, 1786, by Elizabeth Paton regarding her child by Robert Burns;

Exciseman`s notes by Robert Burns;

Four letters, 1816-1829, of Sir Walter Scott to Joseph Train;

Volume containing a manuscript copy, 1896, of `Brief sketch of a correspondence with Sir Walter Scott commencing in the year 1814` by Joseph Train;

Printed book, `The Homes and Haunts of Sir Walter Scott` (1897) by George G Napier.

Dates: 1786-1897.

Miscellaneous law tracts.

Identifier: Adv.MS.25.3.4
Scope and Contents The contents of the volume are as follows.(i) Copies of various Royal patents, gifts, and commissions, 1642-1669 (the majority from the early 1660s). Most are in a 17th-century hand; an early 18th-century hand has added two, on pages 125 and 532. A detailed list is given on pages 536-540, and they have been fully indexed. (Page 1.)(ii)-(xiii) are copies, in an 18th-century hand, of sections of Adv.MS.6.2.2.(ii) = Adv. MS. 6.2.2(xii): `The Retour ... of the...
Dates: 16th century-17th century.

Miscellaneous legal papers in a volume bearing the name 'Spotiswoode' and the date 1701., 1540-1701.

Identifier: MS.2941
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) 'The remanent of Mr. David Ayttoune of Kingglassie his Prackties, 1540', copy. The leaves are much decayed. (Folio ii verso.) (ii) Balfour's ‘Practicks’, copied, 1645-1646, by Thomas (?)Veatche. (Folio 1.)(iii) 'Ane minit of the airship goods and geir pertaineinge to ane burgess as if the defunct had the samen in his possession in the tyme of his deceise'. (Folio 179 verso.)(iv) 'Ane short treatise and forme of...
Dates: 1540-1701.

Miscellaneous letters and documents.

Identifier: MS.500
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:(i) Ordinance of the Committee of War of the Sheriffdom of Fife on the arming of heritors within the Presbytery of Cupar, 1644 (folio 1);(ii) Information for John Balfour, probably Portioner of Kinloch (died 1651), regarding the succession to certain lands of Christian Williamson, daughter of John Williamson and Helen Balfour, 1644 (folio 2);(iii) Breakfast bill of ‘Langshaw’ [? David Montgomery of Lainshaw], receipted by Thomas...
Dates: 1644-1760, undated.

Miscellaneous letters and documents.

Identifier: MS.819
Dates: 1643, 1661, 19th century.

Miscellaneous letters and documents.

Identifier: MS.13500

Miscellaneous letters and documents.

Identifier: MS.14835
Dates: 1708-early 19th century.

Miscellaneous letters and documents collected by William Finlay Watson, many of which have not been identified., 1691-early 20th century.

Identifier: MS.599
Scope and Contents The contents include letters to the Master of Stair, 1691 (folios 13-17); cuttings from the Register of the Tolbooth Prison, Edinburgh, 1736 (folios 39-40); copy of a letter of the Earl of Hertford, Ambassador in France, to the Earl of Halifax, 1763, in the handwriting of David Hume, then acting as secretary to Hertford (folios 44-45); letter of John Witherspoon acknowledging receipts, 1790 (folio 52); letter of Bishop Percy regarding Macpherson’s ‘Ossian’, 1805 (folio 61); fragments of an...
Dates: 1691-early 20th century.

'Miscellaneous letters and documents', including many letters of the nobility, and official documents of the Restoration period., 1600, 1627-1832, 1881, undated.

Identifier: MS.2956
Scope and Contents The contents include: a song, 'Come all brave boys of the cappen trade', scribbled on the back of a draft deed of the seventeenth century (folio 52 verso); a manuscript copy of a pamphlet, ‘An Account of the Engagement on the Sheriff-Moor’, printed by Robert Freebairn (Perth, 1715), reproduced by Robert Patten in his ‘History of the late Rebellion’ (London, 1717), page 203, but not otherwise known (folio 25); a letter, 1746, of Lord Kames regarding David Hume's difficulties with the...
Dates: 1600, 1627-1832, 1881, undated.

Miscellaneous letters and manuscripts.

Identifier: MS.3112