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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Scope Note: Refers to handwritten documents, and may also be used to distinguish certain documents from published or otherwise printed documents, as in the cases of typed personal letters or a typescript from which printed versions are made.

Found in 6567 Collections and/or Records:

‘Topographical Notices of Scotland` collected by Sir Robert Sibbald.

Identifier: Adv.MS.34.2.8
Scope and Contents

The first part of the volume contains topographical and historical notes in the hand of Sir Robert Gordon of Straloch, circa 1640-1650 (folios 1-67, 78-91, 116-162) which were given to Sibbald by Straloch`s son, James, Parson of Rothiemay about 1685.

The remainder of the volume is made up of topographical accounts, circa 1680-1700, sent to Sibbald by a variety of people.

Dates: Circa 1640-1700.

Topographical works of Sir Robert Sibbald.

Identifier: Adv.MS.15.1.2
Scope and Contents A title page which reads `Atlas Scoticus seu Scotia Antiqua et Moderna` has been pasted onto folio 1 but the contents of the manuscript are not those listed in Sibbald`s ‘Nuncius Scoto-Britannus, sive admonitio de Atlante Scotico’.The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) Description of the Scottish Parliament, undated (folio 2).(ii) `Caledonia seu Scotia Antiqua`, circa 1687 (folio 3). This corresponds with the published description given by...
Dates: 4th quarter of 17th century-1st quarter of 18th century.

'Tractatus logicus', probably dictates or lecture notes., Late 17th century.

Identifier: MS.5451
Scope and Contents

The 'Tractatus logicus' (folio 11), is preceded by 'Compendium syllogismi structura' (folio 1) and 'Dissertatio proeliminaris de philosophia in genere' (folio 8).

The 'Tractatus' is incomplete.

Dates: Late 17th century.

Transcript, 17th century, of the ‘Chronicon Melrosense’, and other material.

Identifier: Adv.MS.35.6.10
Scope and Contents At the end of the Chronicon is this notice: ‘Hac est vera copia antiquæ chronicæ monasterii de Melros in Scotia inchoatæ per Abbatem de Dundranan ab anno 735 continuata per varios ad annum 1270. Autographum extat in bibliotheca domini Roberti Cotton militis apud Vestmonasterium.’At page 42 commences ‘Relationes quodam Arnaldi Blair monachi de Dunfermelein et capellani D Wilhelmi Wallace militis 1327’, written in the same hand with/as the preceding chronicle but without any notice...
Dates: Late 13th century, 1327.

Transcript, 18th century, of the ‘Chronicon Melrosense’, and other material.

Identifier: Adv.MS.35.5.6
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:Transcript of the ‘Chronicon Melrosense’: a copy of Adv.MS.33.3.25 (page 1);‘Addenda ex exemplari Anglico impresso’ (page 41);The ‘Relationes Arnaldi Blair’ copied from Adv.MS.35.6.10 (page 44);‘Addenda alia e chronico Melrosensi impresso’ (page 51);Copies of letters, 1563, of Queen Mary to the Council of Trent in Latin, and to the Cardinal of Lorrain and the Pope in Italian (page 65);...
Dates: 12th century-1683.

Transcript, eighteenth century, of documents illustrating the claim of the English Crown to the overlordship of Scotland.

Identifier: MS.746
Scope and Contents

The manuscript is entitled ‘Instrumentorum quorundam authenticorum exemplaria aliquot ex ipsis archetipis in archivis quod Thesauriariam vocant repositis, transcipta et collecta jussu et mandato ... Edwardi ... Ducis Somerseti ... ex quibus planum fit a tempore Bruti ad nostram pene usque etatem Reges Scocie in fide fuisse Regum Anglie, Regnumque Scocie Reges Anglie tanquam superiores dicti Regni dominos per sacramentum fidelitatis agnouisse. An. MDXLIX collegit Joannes Masonius’.

Dates: 1549.

Transcript made by Ewen MacLachlan of the Book of the Dean of Lismore.

Identifier: Adv.MS.72.3.3
Scope and Contents Manuscript in the hand of Ewen MacLachlan, Aberdeen, entitled ‘An t-Easpaig’ - presumably because it contains the work of the Dean of Lismore, whom MacLachlan calls (page 1) “Easpuig Leasmòr”. This is valuable, as being MacLachlan’s original Book of the Dean of Lismore transcript, subsequently (but not always accurately) copied by himself and others. (See Adv.MS.72.3.6). It does not strictly follow the order of the original, but the order in which MacLachlan found it easiest to read the...
Dates: 1st quarter of 19th century.

Transcript made by the Reverend Walter MacLeod of the Book of the Dean of Lismore.

Identifier: Adv.MS.72.3.12
Scope and Contents Transcript of the Book of the Dean of Lismore (Adv.MS.72.1.37) made in 1897 by the Reverend Walter MacLeod (1864-1935) of Strathkinnes, Fife. Corresponds page for page and line for line to the original. The circumstances of the transcript are described by Donald Mackinnon in a letter to J T Clark, Keeper of the Advocates’ Library, 13 November 1895 (now pages ii-iii) and in a note at folio i verso. The Reverend Walter MacLeod was chosen to make the transcript due to his skill in...
Dates: 1897.

Transcript of a manuscript concerning the Royal Commission appointed in 1605 for the settlement of the Borders., 1604-1606.

Identifier: MSS.5273-5275
Scope and Contents

According to the 'Historical Manuscripts Commission, 2nd Report', the original manuscript is inscribed 'Liber Wilf. Lawson' and appears to be the official record kept by the convenor of the Royal Commission of 1605, Sir Wilfrid Lawson.

The transcript gives a detailed account of the commission's work from 1604-1606, including copies of correspondence.

Dates: 1604-1606.