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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Scope Note: Refers to handwritten documents, and may also be used to distinguish certain documents from published or otherwise printed documents, as in the cases of typed personal letters or a typescript from which printed versions are made.

Found in 6567 Collections and/or Records:

Miscellaneous fragments., 16th century, 18th century.

Identifier: MS.25251
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows. (i) Watercolour on vellum of the Virgin and Child with an ecclesiastic and a nobleman, mid-18th century (folio 1). This is probably the first leaf of a commission issued by a Doge of Venice. For a similar illumination by the same artist, see ‘Miniature dell’Italia settentrionale nella Fondazione Giorgio Cini’, page 74 (MS.12) and plate. (ii) 'Ane account of Mr Hooker's Ecclesiasticall Polity from Neal's history of the Puritans', 18th century (folio 2); (iii) Two...
Dates: 16th century, 18th century.

'Miscellaneous Fragments’ of and collected by John Sobieski Stuart., 19th century.

Identifier: MS.2183
Scope and Contents

The contents are as follows:

'Literature', part of the Introduction to ‘The Costume of the Clans’, with various memoranda (folio 1);

'Scottish Armour' (folio 58);

'Chap. iv. The Poetry of the Forest', dealing with Gaelic poetry, apparently unpublished (folio 75);

‘Account of the Expenses of Certain Dogs sent to the King of Denmark’, reprinted from Maitland Club, ‘Miscellany’, volume iii (1843), page 337.

Dates: 19th century.

Miscellaneous genealogical material, chiefly in the hands of Andrew Stuart and James Stuart., [Late 18th century.]

Identifier: MS.8305
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:(i) A memorandum of observations on a draft of part of ‘Genealogical History’ by Andrew Stuart (folio 1); (ii) Extracts from Scottish and French printed books (including ‘Historia Majoris Britanniae’ by John Major (Paris, 1521), ‘Collections’ by James Dalrymple (Edinburgh, 1705), ‘Dictionnaire Historique’ by Louis Moréri (Lyon, 1674), and ‘Chroniques’ by Enguerrand de Monstrelet (Paris, 1470) (folio 61);(iii) Extracts from...
Dates: [Late 18th century.]

Miscellaneous historical and topographical items, copied in the 18th century.

Identifier: Adv.MS.31.3.1
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) `A Chronological Sketch of the History of the Orkneys ... 875 to ... 1500’, possibly by George Low, minister of Birsay. It consists of fairly brief entries of historical events, followed (folio 9) by a copy of an Act of Parliament, 1471. (folio 1).(ii) Copy of `A Description of Zetland` by Thomas Gifford of Busta, 1733 (folio 11).(iii) Copy of an incomplete address to the Lord Provost on the name and...
Dates: 1471, 1618, 1670, 18th century.

Miscellaneous historical and topographical tracts, copied in the 17th and early 18th centuries.

Identifier: Adv.MS.20.6.1(i)-(xv)
Scope and Contents

There is a list of contents (folio i) in the same 19th-century hand which drew up the contents list in Adv.MS.22.2.10.

Dates: 17th century-circa 1754.

Miscellaneous items.

Identifier: Adv.MS.23.7.12
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) Abstract in English of Gerard Goris`s treatise on mercury, ‘Mercurius Triumphator’, probably made from the Leyden edition of 1717. Written in three hands of the early 18th century (folio 1).(ii) `The Dyet of Poland, A Satyr. Lib. J.H. Aug. 27. 1705.` A copy in two hands, of Daniel Defoe`s verse satire, published anonymously in London (with the false imprint `Dantzick`) in 1705 (folio 20). It is followed (folio 41) by a...
Dates: 16th century-18th century.

Miscellaneous items of or concerning Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott.

Identifier: Dep.308
Scope and Contents

Framed declaration, 1786, by Elizabeth Paton regarding her child by Robert Burns;

Exciseman`s notes by Robert Burns;

Four letters, 1816-1829, of Sir Walter Scott to Joseph Train;

Volume containing a manuscript copy, 1896, of `Brief sketch of a correspondence with Sir Walter Scott commencing in the year 1814` by Joseph Train;

Printed book, `The Homes and Haunts of Sir Walter Scott` (1897) by George G Napier.

Dates: 1786-1897.

Miscellaneous lecture notes and articles, chiefly by Sir Herbert John Clifford Grierson, the majority of which are apparently unpublished., 1933-[1952], undated.

Identifier: MS.9320
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:(i) Typescript, undated, of a lecture or article, with autograph corrections, entitled 'Lamb, Hazlitt and De Quincey, critics and essayists' (folio 1);(ii) Manuscript, 1933, of a lecture or article entitled 'Abraham Lincoln', apparently written on Herbert Grierson's return from America in that year (folio 26);(iii) Manuscript notes, undated, headed 'Lincoln', but apparently concerning Andrew Carnegie and American industry,...
Dates: 1933-[1952], undated.

Miscellaneous lectures of William Edmondstoune Aytoun., [1845-1865.]

Identifier: MS.4912
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) Part of an 'Inaugural address' delivered to the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, probably given in 1859 and entitled 'The popular tradition of poetry of the north of Europe'. See W Aldis Miller, 'The philosophical', (Edinburgh, 1949, page 19). (Folio 1.)(ii) Two 'Valedictory' lectures. (Folios 14, 29.)(iii) 'Notice of the death of Dr George Wilson', November 1857. (Folio 35.)(iv) Lecture, circa 1847, on the...
Dates: [1845-1865.]

Miscellaneous legal papers in a volume bearing the name 'Spotiswoode' and the date 1701., 1540-1701.

Identifier: MS.2941
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) 'The remanent of Mr. David Ayttoune of Kingglassie his Prackties, 1540', copy. The leaves are much decayed. (Folio ii verso.) (ii) Balfour's ‘Practicks’, copied, 1645-1646, by Thomas (?)Veatche. (Folio 1.)(iii) 'Ane minit of the airship goods and geir pertaineinge to ane burgess as if the defunct had the samen in his possession in the tyme of his deceise'. (Folio 179 verso.)(iv) 'Ane short treatise and forme of...
Dates: 1540-1701.

Miscellaneous letters and documents., 1585-1901.

Identifier: MS.150
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) Letter of Lord Justice Clerk Bellenden to James VI, relating his interview with Queen Elizabeth, London, 1 March, 1584/1585. See 'Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland, 1584-1585', pages 560, 564, 565. (Folio 1.)(ii) Letter of Francis Stewart, titular Earl of Bothwell, to Colonel William Urie, relating to an attack upon a sentinel, Dumfries, 1670. (Folio 3.)(iii) ‘Mr. Gidean Guthry his aco.ͭͭ of letters’,...
Dates: 1585-1901.

Miscellaneous letters and documents.

Identifier: MS.14835
Dates: 1708-early 19th century.

Miscellaneous letters and documents collected by William Finlay Watson, many of which have not been identified., 1691-early 20th century.

Identifier: MS.599
Scope and Contents The contents include letters to the Master of Stair, 1691 (folios 13-17); cuttings from the Register of the Tolbooth Prison, Edinburgh, 1736 (folios 39-40); copy of a letter of the Earl of Hertford, Ambassador in France, to the Earl of Halifax, 1763, in the handwriting of David Hume, then acting as secretary to Hertford (folios 44-45); letter of John Witherspoon acknowledging receipts, 1790 (folio 52); letter of Bishop Percy regarding Macpherson’s ‘Ossian’, 1805 (folio 61); fragments of an...
Dates: 1691-early 20th century.

'Miscellaneous letters and documents', including many letters of the nobility, and official documents of the Restoration period., 1600, 1627-1832, 1881, undated.

Identifier: MS.2956
Scope and Contents The contents include: a song, 'Come all brave boys of the cappen trade', scribbled on the back of a draft deed of the seventeenth century (folio 52 verso); a manuscript copy of a pamphlet, ‘An Account of the Engagement on the Sheriff-Moor’, printed by Robert Freebairn (Perth, 1715), reproduced by Robert Patten in his ‘History of the late Rebellion’ (London, 1717), page 203, but not otherwise known (folio 25); a letter, 1746, of Lord Kames regarding David Hume's difficulties with the...
Dates: 1600, 1627-1832, 1881, undated.

Miscellaneous letters and documents, relating to Scottish and foreign affairs., 1685-1715.

Identifier: MS.3740
Scope and Contents The contents include:Excerpts from historians, chiefly relating to Scotland (folio 1);Papers on the toleration extended to Roman Catholics by James II and VII, 1685-1686 (folio 46);Letters of Lieutenant-General Hugh Mackay and other officers, chiefly to William Blathwayt as Secretary at War, on the campaign of Killiecrankie and on the despatch of troops from Scotland to Ireland and Holland, 1689-1690 (folio 80); for transcripts and notes, see MS.3741;...
Dates: 1685-1715.

Miscellaneous letters and manuscripts.

Identifier: MS.3112

Miscellaneous letters and papers.

Identifier: Adv.MS.81.1.22

Miscellaneous letters and papers.

Identifier: MS.3278

Miscellaneous letters and papers chiefly of the seventeenth century and chiefly relating to affairs in Scotland.

Identifier: MS.3368
Scope and Contents

There are some transcripts, notes, and a table of contents in a modern hand.

Dates: 1545-1745.

Miscellaneous letters and papers, letters of Gregor Farquharson, Captain (H.P.), 84th Foot, and letters relating to the Poor Law, 1834, the Scots Poor Law Commission, 1843, and Scots Poor Law Bill, 1845., 1782-1850.

Identifier: MS.642
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) Miscellaneous letters and papers, 1782-1850. The writers and subjects dealt with include Ebenezer McCulloh, on ash-burning for bleaching salts, etc., 1782, 1784; memorial of the fishermen of Holy Island complaining of oppression, 1790; state of the population of Edinburgh, 1791, made for Sir John Sinclair’s ‘Statistical Account’; necessity for a free importation of coal into the Western Isles and coasts of Scotland, 1792; observations for...
Dates: 1782-1850.

Miscellaneous letters and papers of the Bannatyne Club, chiefly relating to club publications., 1820-1837, undated.

Identifier: MS.9356
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) Correspondence, 1835, between Robert Pitcairn, Thomas Thomson and David Laing, on the publication by Pitcairn of ‘Memorials of transactions in Scotland’ by Richard Bannatyne. (Folio 1.)(ii) Manuscript drafts, with minor corrections, of parts of ‘Davidis Buchanani de scriptoribus Scotis’. The manuscript folios 24-38 equal the printed pages 17-28, and folios 40-66 equal pages 31-39. (Folios 24.)(iii) 'Articles agt. Mr...
Dates: 1820-1837, undated.