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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Scope Note: Refers to handwritten documents, and may also be used to distinguish certain documents from published or otherwise printed documents, as in the cases of typed personal letters or a typescript from which printed versions are made.

Found in 6567 Collections and/or Records:

Manuscript, undated, of the play, 'The Flouers o Edinburgh' by Robert McLellan, including preliminary notes., [1947, or before.]

Identifier: MS.26344
Scope and Contents

The first part of Act I is a heavily corrected typescript (folio ll). Also included are two pages of typescript corrections made for the production in the Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, in 1975 (folio l96).

Dates: [1947, or before.]

Manuscript, undated, titled 'Some recreations of a handloom weaver', being a work on natural history written for his family by Alexander Gray (1800-1880), grandfather of Sir Alexander Gray., [Before 1881.]

Identifier: MS.26015
Scope and Contents

The manuscript consists of a general history and description of the earth, followed by descriptions of animals, illustrated with several watercolours. At the end (folio 203) are miscellaneous notes and verses.

Dates: [Before 1881.]

Manuscript, 'Virtutes Grammaticae a Grammaticis Lactenus vel incognitae, vel neglectae ab Alexandra Humio ex antiqua gente Humiorum in Scotia in sua Grammatica revelatae’, of Alexander Hume., [?1622-?1623].

Identifier: MS.17998(2)
Scope and Contents Alexander Hume was Master of the High School of Edinburgh from 1596 to 1606, of the Grammar School at Prestonpans from 1606 to 1615, and of the Grammar School at Dunbar from 1615 (J Grant, ‘History of the Burgh and Parish Schools of Scotland’, 1876, page 361). Hume's 'Grammatica nova in usum juventutis Scoticae' (and also 'Prima elementa grammaticae in usum juventutis Scoticae') was published in Edinburgh in 1612. From the preface 'candido lectori' to this manuscript (folio 2) it appears...
Dates: [?1622-?1623].

Manuscript volume by Sir Robert Sibbald, containing two unpublished discourses.

Identifier: Adv.MS.33.5.16
Scope and Contents (i) `Caetologia or Memoirs for composing the Naturall Historie of Whales from the Remarks made upon thos cast in or taken upon the Scottish coast in which ther are descriptions also of the smaller fishes and aquatick animals of the whale Kynde and accounts how they may be taken and prepared and what uses may be gott of them’ (folio 6).(ii) `Discourses anent the improvements may be made in Scotland for advancing the wealth of the Kingdom’ (folio 76) which is mainly concerned with...
Dates: 1701.

Manuscript volume entitled "The Journey Rout[e] of Her Imperial Majesty from Charcoff thro' the Government of Kursk to Moscow ... By the Governments Geometrician & Land Measurer Basshiloff 1787", consisting of descriptions of the different sections of the route through Kursk with illustrative maps.

Identifier: MS.19419
Scope and Contents

The title of the main text is on folio 2. It is followed by a 'Short Delineation' (folio 17) and a map (folio 22) of the district. It is presumably a contemporary translation of part of the route of the return journey of Catherine II from her visit to the south and the then recently acquired territories in the Crimea.

Dates: 1787.

Manuscript volume of poems and prose pieces by Alexander Pennecuik, entitled `The Whole Works of Alexr Pennecuik Gent. Volura 2d`.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.3.15
Scope and Contents The volume also includes the text of ‘Coridon and Cochrania’ (folio 65) and `The Publict and Secret History of the Malt Tax,` 1725 (folio 86).The manuscript is in several hands of the 18th century. It was originally paginated, containing pages 215-337 (folios 2-59 and 80-85) and there is an index to these sections (folio 124). Folio 85 verso contains a `List of ye persons who are furnished with my weekly papers`, 1726, and there is also a list of Pennecuik`s works (folio 126...
Dates: Circa 1723-1726.

Manuscript, with marked proofs, "A Voice from the Factories", by Caroline Norton., 1836.

Identifier: MS.42509
Scope and Contents 'A voice from the factories' is a poem by Caroline Norton (later Stirling Maxwell), which was published by John Murray in 1836. The poem highlights the working conditions for children of the period. Caroline Norton was a noted campaigner for the rights of children and this poem is part of her work in the area.This volume includes a manuscript version and a proof of the poem. The manuscript includes a title page, the dedication to Lord Ashley (later 7th Earl of Shaftesbury)...
Dates: 1836.

Manuscript, with marked proofs, of "Nineveh and its Remains" by Austen Henry Layard., 1845-1849.

Identifier: MSS.42347-42353
Scope and Contents After Austen Henry Layard excavated the remains of Assyrian palaces between 1845 and 1847, there was great public appetite for more information about the newly unearthed artefacts, particularly because many believed that these discoveries confirmed history as described in the Bible.Layard wrote a lavishly illustrated work, 'Nineveh and its remains', which was published by John Murray in 1849. Despite its title, the discoveries in this work mostly relate to the city of Nimrud -...
Dates: 1845-1849.

Manuscript with the title 'The End of Winter' by James Allan Ford., 1966-1967.

Identifier: MS.27489
Scope and Contents

The manuscript contains many corrections and revisions, and a note by James Allan Ford (folio i) describes it as the 'final manuscript'. A page containing the end of chapter 9 is missing (between folio 52 and 53), and chapter 7 precedes chapter 6.

Dates: 1966-1967.

Manuscript works of Robert Purves Hardie concerning early British naval history., 1st quarter of 20th century.

Identifier: MSS.5293-5299
Scope and Contents

The three longer works, MSS.5293-5298, are incomplete and in process of revision, some chapters having been written first as separate articles.

Dates: 1st quarter of 20th century.

Manuscript worksheets of 14 poems of Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Alastair Reid.

Identifier: Acc.11519
Scope and Contents

The fourteen poems are:

Del Infierno y Del Cielo

El Reloj de Arena

El Instante

El Sueno


Al Hijo

Poema del Cuarto Elemento

El Alquimista

Poema Conjetural

Baltasar Gracián




El Forastero

Dates: 1996-1997.

Manuscript, written by Antonio Caballario, of the 'Eclogues' and 'Aeneid' of Virgil.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.4.14
Scope and Contents `Aeneid` i.1-45 are lost. There are verse arguments to `Aeneid` ii-xii (Pseudo-Ovid in ‘Anthologia Latina’, 1).Subscription to the `Eclogues`, folio 17 verso: `Explicit liber Bucolicorum Antonii filii S. Leonardi de bagnara Scriptus p(er) me Antoniu(m) Caballa(r)iu(m) 1467 die 28 Augusti`.Initials in red and purple or blue and purple to each `Eclogue`, to the arguments of `Aeneid` ii, iv-xii, and to `Aeneid` ii, v-xii. Initials infilled with a flower or with leaves,...
Dates: 1467.

Manuscript, written by Johannes Fanconus (?), of the ‘Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri ix’ by Valerius Maximus, with the commentary of Dionigi di San Sepolcro, preceded by a list of chapters.

Identifier: Adv.MS.1.1.7
Scope and Contents Subscription on folio 154: ‘Explicit excellens liber Egregii autoris Valerii maximi Romani sc(ri)ptus ad postulationem fr(atr)is martini de caranazio sacre pagi(n)e p(ro)fessoris Immeriti Oord(in)is [sic] heremitar(um) Scanti [sic] augustini doctoris lucidissini ticini sepulti. Eiusdem ord(in)is fuit h(uius) libri expositor vocat(us) frater dyonisi(us) de burgo s(an)c(t)i sepulcri sacre pagi(n)e celeb(er)rim(us) p(ro)fessor et episcopus bene merit(us) Nichopole(n)sis civitat(is). Scriptus...
Dates: 1393.

Manuscript, written in 1488, of the 'Wallace' of Blind Hary.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.2.2(ii)
Scope and Contents Manuscript written in Scotland, containing the narrative poem 'The Wallace' of Blind Hary, or Henry the minstrel, probably originally composed between 1474 and 1479. This manuscript is written in Scots and is the only extant contemporary manuscript of the Wallace. The colophon on folio 124v states that the work was transcribed in 1488 by John Ramsay, a prior of the Charterhouse of Perth. The work is in a single column and is divided into 11 books, with spaces left at the...
Dates: 1488.