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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Scope Note: Treatises or series of comments that systematically explain or annotate another work.

Found in 123 Collections and/or Records:

Italian or, more correctly, Tuscan version of the commentary on the 1745 Rebellion entitled ‘Caroli Odoardi Stuardii Walliae Principis Expeditio in Scotiam’ written in four books by Giulio Cesare Cordara, Society of Jesus.

Identifier: Adv.MS.22.4.18
Scope and Contents According to the title page (folio 2) this version was made "by the ex-Jesuit NN", but the dedicatory espistle to Francesco Caetani, Duke of Sermoneta, which is dated 1804, is signed presumably by the translator (folio 7) whose name cannot be read with certainty. It is suggested by Sir Bruce Gordon Seton, 9th Baronet, of Abercorn, who published an English translation from this manuscript by Lacy Colleson-Morley for the Scottish History Society in ‘Miscellany of the Scottish History Society’,...
Dates: 1751.

Latin translation of Hero Mechanicus, ‘Γεωδαισία’, with the commentary of Franciscus Barocius.

Identifier: Adv.MS.23.5.9
Scope and Contents

A neat modern copy of ‘Heronis Mechanici liber de geodcesia’.

Dates: 18th century.

Letter, undated, of Thomas Carlyle to Joseph Neuberg.

Identifier: Acc.10293
Scope and Contents

With extensive modern notes and commentary.

Dates: circa 1950-1991 and undated.

Letters and poems of Alexander Laing, the Brechin poet; and poetry and other literary matter of Henry Scott Riddell.

Identifier: MS.3115
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) Letters, poems, etc., of Alexander Laing, the Brechin poet, to Peter Buchan, collector of Scottish ballads, Peterhead, 1828-1850, undated. The letters, which are in Laing's autograph, deal chiefly with literary matters of the day. Most of the poems (folios 4, 6, 10, 19, 23) appear later in published form.(ii) Poems and other literary matter of Henry Scott Riddell, in his autograph, with one letter to him, 1815-1865, undated. Several of...
Dates: 1815-1865, undated.

Letters in English from the Reverend Donald MacQueen of Kilmuir (died 1785) to the Reverend Dr John Stuart of Luss.

Identifier: Adv.MS.73.2.21
Scope and Contents The letters consist of the Reverend Donald MacQueen’s detailed comments on the Reverend Dr John Stuart’s Gaelic translation of part of the Old Testament with antiquarian excursi including quotations in Gaelic. The principal such excursi are noted below. (i) Letter of the Reverend Donald MacQueen to the Reverend Dr John Stuart, dated 27 November 1777. Genesis. Cf. ‘Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness’, volume 36 (1931-1933), page 364. (Folio 1.)(ii) Letter...
Dates: [Before 1785.]

'Literary Information. Discovery of the remainder of the history of John Bull from the MSS. of his learned and celebrated Biographer, Sir Humphrey Polesworth', in the hand of Sir Walter Scott, being a commentary on the rise and fall of Napoleon and contemporary British affairs.

Identifier: MS.3775
Scope and Contents

The commentary is bound with a letter, 1826, of Sir Walter Scott to George Hogarth, Writer to the Signet, on financial matters (folio 5).

Dates: [1821, or before], 1826.

Manuscript containing the letter of Prester John, and other works.

Identifier: Adv.MS.72.1.41
Scope and Contents Originally 2 separate manuscripts: (a) folios 1 and 16, (b) folios 2-15. Part (a), a bifolium, is by a single anonymous hand, origin and date unknown. John Mackenzie, secretary of the Highland Society of London described part (a) as “A small Octavo Vellum Manuscript in Prose, containing two Leaves, signed, London Janry. 5th. 1803 John Mackenzie”. (Highland Society of Scotland minutes.) Part (b) was written by several hands, one text to each. The main text, the Letter...
Dates: (?)15th century-17th century.

Manuscript of a commentary by Michael Miniclardi on 'De consolatione philosophiae' by Boethius.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.6.3
Scope and Contents The main text ends on folio 221 verso. Folio 222 contains 30 hexameters on Boethius (incipit 'Floruit hic doctor clarusque Boetius autor'). Folios 223-228 recto contain an 'exortatio' 'ad honorem dei et sanctorum apostolorum petri et pauli', written by Miniclardi in 1444. Folio 228 verso-230 verso contain, in a different hand, a draft speech against Q Ligarius (defended by Cicero in his extant speech 'Pro Ligario'), presumably a school exercise; interlinear corrections are possibly by...
Dates: 1443.

Manuscript of a course of lectures on the ‘Digest’ of Justinian.

Identifier: Adv.MSS.81.8.1-81.8.2
Scope and Contents Folios 1-16, commenting up to Book 2, Title 12, are on different paper and in a different hand; some folios (probably only 2), containing the commentary on Book 2, Title 13, have been lost after folio 16. A substantial number of folios have been lost at the end, as the commentary breaks off in Book 41, Title 2. Dates of delivery, from November 1710 to June 1711, appear regularly in the margins.It is possible that the lectures are those of James Craig, who became Professor of...
Dates: 1710-1711.

Manuscript of Ewen MacLachlan’s ‘Celtic Analysis’.

Identifier: Adv.MS.72.3.4
Scope and Contents A description by Ewen MacLachlan of fourteen manuscripts sent to him by the Highland Society of Scotland for examination. It was remitted to him by the Society in eight instalments between 26 May 1812 and 3 July 1813, and was intended for use in the compilation of the Society’s Dictionary. Pages 1-152 were therefore forwarded by the society to the Reverend Dr John MacLeod (MacLachlan’s co-adjutor on the Dictionary) on 3 June 1813. On this occasion the five instalments making up pages 1-120...
Dates: 1st quarter of 19th century.

Manuscripts and typescripts of Robert McLellan concerning Arran, Loch Lomond and bee keeping., [1959, or before], undated.

Identifier: MS.26428
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows. (i) Manuscript and corrected typescripts of 'The Macmillans of Arran', published in the ‘Scottish Field’, volume cvi (1959), pages 29-31 (folio 1); (ii) Corrected typescript of 'The History of Arran', written for the official guide to the island, undated (folio 31); (iii) Manuscript and corrected typescript of an article on Brodick Castle, undated (folio 34); (iv) Manuscript and typescript drafts of the commentary and shot sequence for a documentary film on Loch...
Dates: [1959, or before], undated.

Medical manuscript in Gaelic.

Identifier: Adv.MS.72.1.13
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.Folios 1-8 (first layer):This part of the manuscript is written by a strong and slightly angular hand varying in size from small to average. Decoration and colour (red and brown) are profuse. In support of the premise that the first and second layers of the manuscript were bound together at an early stage, marginalia which look as if they are by a common hand are found at folios 1 recto (‘Meisi’), 2 recto (‘Meisi m’), 10 verso (‘Mar as c’),...
Dates: 14th century-15th century.

Medical manuscript in Gaelic.

Identifier: Adv.MS.72.1.10
Scope and Contents The text is a commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. The text-hand, crabbed in appearance, is generically similar to hand 75 of Adv.MS.72.1.2. Capitals are coloured red, but much of the pigment has dissolved and spread. A preliminary sketch has been made for a decorative initial at folio 3 recto. At folio 2 recto the missing matter is supplied in the bottom margin, parts of it two or three times. Here and at folios 2 verso, 3 recto and 5 verso emendations appear in two or three hands...
Dates: 15th Century.

Medical manuscript in Gaelic consisting of two independent layers, but the text in both containing part of book two of the commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates.

Identifier: Adv.MS.72.1.14
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.Folios 1-8 (first layer):In this part of the manuscript, the main text-hand, is an attractive one with elliptical curves, also appearing at Adv.MS.72.1.26, folio 7 recto, where it alludes to a Mac Maol-tuile, and at Adv.MS.72.1.10, folios 2 recto, 2 verso, 3 recto, and 5 verso, where it emends a copy of book 1 of the present tract. This suggests an origin in east Connacht. A less remarkable hand begins the layer (to folio 1 recto, column b,...
Dates: 15th century-16th century.

Medical manuscript in Gaelic containing Isidore’s commentary on the Aphorisms of Johannes Damascenus (Mesue).

Identifier: Adv.MS.72.1.23
Scope and Contents The manuscript is written in a hand of medium size and generally angular in appearance; another takes over in places at folios 4 verso-5 verso.The contents are as follows.On Isidore’s commentary on Aphorisms of Damascenus, cf. Adv.MS.72.1.13, folio 1 recto, column a, line 1. Beginning (acephalous) ‘...rainig a les cuisli ⁊ da tucaid leigheas’ = Adv.MS.72.1.13, folio 8 verso, column b, line 1. First complete section beginning ‘Cum nulla de quo ccon inter aqu[a]m et...
Dates: 15th century-16th century.