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Papers and translations collected by the Highland Society of Scotland Ossian Committee and its successor the Committee on Celtic Literature.

Identifier: Adv.MS.73.2.16

Scope and Contents

The source material and translations are variously endorsed or annotated by Henry Mackenzie, Donald Mackintosh, and Ewen MacLachlan.

The contents are as follows.

(M 1). Notes by John Francis Campbell, dated 25 November 1872. (Folio 1.)

(i) Cover, probably for folios 12-22, 24-33. Bears hands of Ewen MacLachlan and Mackintosh MacKay. Cf. Adv.MS.73.2.10, folio 207. (Folio 2.)

(M 2). Ossianic fragments with some corresponding passages from James Macpherson’s ‘Fingal’, book III. Folios 5-6 formerly Adv.MS.73.3.1, number 2. Written by Donald Mackintosh and another. (Folios 3-11.)

(i) “‘Sioma guth a’s clàrsach ghrinn”, 16 lines. (Folio 3 recto.)

(ii) “‘Ta long stiureadh na fairge” (amended to “‘Ta tonn sgiuirsa na fairge”), 64 lines. (Folio 4 recto.)

(iii) ‘Trusaibh gach sgia mar ghealach’, 22 lines. (Folio 6 recto.)

(iv) ‘Ni robh a shin mo chiabh cho glas’, 1 quatrain. (Folio 8 recto.)

(M 3). ‘Co so teachd a nuas on t-sliabh’, 24 quatrains. Hand anonymous, as number 7. Watermarked 1794. (Folio 12.)

(M 4). “Là do Fhionn air bheagan sluaigh”, 22 quatrains. Written by the Reverend Alexander Campbell of Portree, with English translation and note. Watermarked 1798. ‘Reliquiae Celticae’, volume 1, page 242. (Folio 14.)

(M 5). ‘O Cairibh mi ri taobh nan allt’, 36 quatrains. Hand anonymous. Watermarked 1796. (Folio 18.)

(M 6). ‘Latha dhuinn air bheagan sluaigh’, 126 quatrains. Hand as folio 12. (Folio 21.)

(M 7). Cuchulainn’s Chariot, beginning ‘Chunaghas tihin an Carabid on talla iallie Iorin’. Original of Adv.MS.73.2.3, part 1, folio 68, here written as prose. With note on source. Hand: the Reverend Alexander Campbell of Portree. Watermarked 1805. (Folio 23.)

(M 8). Written by Sir James Foulis of Colinton for General Sir Adolphus Oughton. (Folios 24-33.)

(i) Preface. (Folio 24 recto.)

(ii) “Am bheil usa air sgiathan le d’ luathas”, 212 lines. (Folio 26 recto.)

(iii) ‘O cuiribh mi re taobh an alt’, 35 quatrains. (Folio 30 recto.)

(iv) ‘Cuir do chean dileas, dileas, dileas’, 2 quatrains. With English version. (Folio 33 verso.)

(M 9). Alexander MacGregor. “Faigheadh cliù o gach Rànn-fhear, gu ceòlmhor ‘s gu bìnn”, 14 quatrains + chorus. Cf. Sinclair, “The Gaelic songster. A t-Òranaiche”, part 1. Holograph? (Folio 34.)

(M 10). Skye praise poems. Hand anonymous. Watermarked 1796. (Folios 36-43.)

(i) “Chunnaic mise na m’ chadal”, 11 stanzas. To Sir John MacPherson (Baronet, 1786), referring to death of Sir James MacDonald of Sleat, 1766. (Folio 36 recto.)

(ii) “Cian fada mi ‘m thamh”, 16 stanzas. To Lachlan Mór MacKinnon of Strath (died circa 1690). Cf. Mackenzie,and MacDonald, “Òrain Iain Luim”, page 72. (Middle of page 36 verso.)

(iii) [Archibald MacDonald, An Ciaran Mabach]. ‘Nolluig air mo ghnathach fion’, 11 quatrains. Elegy on Sir James MacDonald of Sleat, died 8 December 1678. “Bàrdachd Ghàidhlig”, page 179. (Folio 38 recto.)

(iv) “Tha mi ‘m dhuisg an am leabuidh”, 20 stanzas. To Iain Dubh MacKinnon of Strath on coming to his estate, circa 1703. (Folio 39 recto line 3.)

(M 11). ‘N la chaidh Fionn thshealg le Fhionibh’, 19 stanzas. Hand anonymous. Dated Perth, 24 July 1816. (Folio 44.)

(M 12). Written by the Reverend Alexander Campbell of Portree. Watermarked 1796. With note by Henry Mackenzie on an unnamed bard in Islay. (Folio 46.)

(i) “‘Ussa fhèin a shiùbhlas suas”, 38 lines. Cf. Ossian Report. Appendix, page 185. (Folio 46 recto.)

(ii) “Ad d’ fhàg thu gorm astar nan spèur?” 11 lines. Ossian Report. Appendix, page 187. (Middle of folio 46 verso.)

M 13). Draft English translation of ‘War Song’ submitted by the Reverend Andrew Gallie. Hand: Donald Mackintosh. (Folio 47.)

(M 14). ‘Feuch! Dearg san doirre na aonar’, 21 quatrains. With interlinear English translation. Rough draft for Adv.MS.73.3.1, folio 33. Hand: Dr Donald Smith. (Folio 48.)

(M 15). Donald MacKay. “O tha mi m’ ónarrain, tha mi deonach”, 9 stanzas. To Sir John MacGregor Murray. Watermarked 1794. Holograph? (Folio 50.)

(M 16). English translation of “Seishiar ga’m biodhmaid ma’n Riogh” below. Hand: Donald Mackintosh. (Folio 52.)

(M 17). Ossianic poems from Jerome Stone’s manuscript (now Edinburgh University Library Laing III 251) transmitted to the Highland Society of Scotland by George Chalmers of London, dated 27 July 1798; cf. Adv.MS.73.2.13, folios 65, 124. Hand anonymous. Watermarked 1794. (Folios 54-58.)

(i) “Seishiar ga’m biodhmaid ma’n Riogh”, 14 quatrains. (Folio 54 recto.)

(ii) ‘Cho n abair mi mo thriath re m Cheaol’, 39 stanzas. (Folio 56 recto.)

(M 18). ‘Quickfingered daughter of Toscar’, 10 quatrains. Endorsed “Poetry of the Rev. Dr. Halyburton July 1768”. Holograph? (Folio 59.)

(M 19). ‘Thusa fein a shiubhlas suas’, 38 lines. ‘From Capt Morrison Greenock’. Cf. Adv.MS.73.2.10, folio 3. Hand anonymous. (Folio 60.)

(M 20). English translation of “Gleann Síth an glean so r’ ar taobh”. Hand anonymous. (Folio 61.)

(M 21). Notes by the Reverend Dr Alexander Irvine comparing James Macpherson’s ‘Battle of Lora’ with Kennedy’s “Teanntachd Mhór na Féinne”. Watermarked 1796, 1800. (Folio 65.)

(M 22.i). English translation of ‘Clann Uisnich nan each geala’ in Gillies’ collection (1786), page 260. Hand: Donald Mackintosh. (Folio 73.)

(M 22.ii). English translation of ‘Tur gun deachaidh iad air tuinn’ from version sent by the Reverend James MacLagan. Hand: Donald Mackintosh. (Folio 81.)

(M 23). English translation of “Là dhuinn air luachair leobhair” from manuscripts of Ronald MacDonald of Staffa and Donald Mackintosh. Hand: Donald Mackintosh. (Folio 90.)

(M 24). Transliterations from Adv.MS.73.1.16, folios 173 verso, 83, 184. Hand: Ewen MacLachlan. (Folio 94.)

(M 25). Chiefly Ossianic poems with facing English translation. Hand anonymous, as folio 135. Perhaps copied from manuscript of Sir James Foulis. (Folios 96-111.)

(i) “‘S’e guth anam mo rūn a tann!” 56 lines. (Folio 96 verso.)

(ii) “Sgēul ar Chonn mac an Deirg”, 174 lines. (Folio 99 verso.)

(iii) ‘Where on the dangerous rock they lay’, 26 lines. ‘A Translation of a St. Kilda Poem, by Sir James Fowles of Colintown’. (Folio 107 verso.)

(iv) ‘Eas Ruaidh’. Due to a missing folio, the first 24 lines of this poem, properly beginning ‘Latha dhuinn air bheagan sluaigh’, 93 lines, are lacking except in translation. (Folio 108 recto.)

(M 26). The Reverend Dr John Smith’s English prose translation of “Oisein a’caoidh nam Fiann”, cf. his ‘Galic Antiquities’, page 326. (Folio 112.)

(M 27). Three Grant poems. Watermarked 1806. Hand anonymous. Orthography crude and frequently obscure. The first two poems are extensively emended in hand of Donald Mackintosh, whose revised versions form Adv.MS.73.3.2. (Folio 114.)

(M 28). “‘Se guth anaim mo ruin at’ ann”, 57 lines. With Latin translation. Hand anonymous. Watermarked 1800. (Folio 118.)

(M 29). ‘Sgeulachd air Chonn mac an Deirg’, 173 lines. Hand anonymous. (Folio 123.)

(M 30). ‘Sgeulachd air Chonn mac an Deirg’, 176 lines. From recitation of Duncan Sinclair, servant to Hugh Macfarlane of Coillechra in Strathgartney. Hand: Donald Mackintosh. Watermarked 1798. (Folio 131.)

(M 31). “‘Se guth anam mo rūn a tann”, 54 lines. With English translation. ‘For Lord Lorn’. Hand: as at folio 96. (Folio 135.)

(M 32). “Là dhomhsa ann an seilge nan cluain”, 69 lines. Written by John Campbell, Translator, from recitation of Robert Gunn, Latheron, Caithness, 1813 (cf. Ingliston MS. A.i.6, number 21). With note on transmission. (Folio 139.)

(M 33). Hand anonymous.

(i) “Là dhuin air luachair leòid”, 88 lines. (Folio 141 recto.)

(ii) ‘La gun deachi Fiun gu fiadhach’, 9 stanzas. (Folio 141 verso.)

(M 34). ‘La don Fhein air tulach dhonn Soirin’, 119 lines. With English synopsis. Written by Colonel James Fraser of Belladrum and sent by him to Sir John Sinclair in 1798. (Folio 142.)

(M 35). Hand anonymous. Endorsed as ‘from Mr. Kennedy’. (Folio 146.)

(i) “Aris dhūine, Ossian dhānich”, 35 quatrains. (Folio 146 recto.)

(ii) “La dhomsa s’ da Fhioni fial”, 81 + 21 lines. (Folio 148 verso, line 5.)

(M 36). “‘S I guth anan mo rūn at’ ann”, 57 lines. Hand: Sir James Foulis. (Folio 151.)

(M 37). English prose translation of ‘Laoidh na Seilge’. Hand anonymous. (Folio 153.)

(M 38). ‘Sa Mhich na maiden stu gairidh’, 42 lines. Written by the Reverend Malcolm MacDonald, who had received it from Ewen MacLachlan. Apparently sent to Donald Mackintosh in 1801 (cf. Adv.MS.73.2.13, folio 154). With English translation in Mackintosh’s hand. (Folio 154.)

(M 39). ‘Feuch! Dearg san doirre na aonar’, 410 lines. Hand: the Reverend Dr John Smith. Cf. Adv.MS.73.3.1, folio 33. (Folio 158.)

(M 40). “Greis air chaithream an fhir mhōir”, 33 quatrains. Hand: anonymous, as folio 172. (Folio 166.)

(M 41). Hand: as folio 166. Watermarked 1806. (Folio 172-181.)

(i) “Ainne fāug a chraeg ruaidh”, 35 stanzas. (Folio 172 recto.)

(ii) “‘N cuimhne leibh ‘n iomairt sin”, 31 stanzas. (Folio 175 recto, line 4.)

(iii) “Sgēul air Conn mac n Deirg”, 33 stanzas. (Middle of folio 177 verso.)

(iv) “Latha dhuinne bhith ‘n glann Diamhair”, 11 quatrains. (Folio 180 verso.)

(M 42). Hand anonymous. Watermarked 1794. (Folios 182-185.)

(i) ‘Tarrigim druidt fo mo cheann’, 84 lines. (Folio 185 verso.)

(ii) ‘Chunchus lein lesh am bhaogh’, 68 lines. (Folio 183 verso.)

(M 43). Rhetorical account of battle of Alexandria, beginning ‘An ciad La fichead do n Mhart 1801’. Hand anonymous. Watermarked 1801. (Folio 186.)

(i) ‘Sgriobh Iain Cope litir o Dhunbar’, 8 stanzas + chorus. ‘Johnnie Cope’ translated by Robert Gunn, cf. folio 139. Hand: John Campbell, Translator. (Folio 187.)

(M 45). ‘An cuala sibhse Turus Fhinn’, 82 lines. With preface and English translation. Hand: the Reverend John MacKinnon, Glendaruel (died 1803), former chaplain to 74th Regiment, who obtained original from a recruit to 42nd Regiment. (Folio 188.)

(M 46). Hand anonymous. (Folios 194-202.)

(i) Birth and boyhood of Fionn (prose). (Folio 194 recto.)

(ii) ‘Phadrig a chana na sailm’, 37 quatrains + prose. (Middle of folio 197 recto.)

(iii) ‘Lagh mhic Cuthuil air a choin’, 3 quatrains. (Middle of folio 200 recto.)

(iv) ‘Chualas sgeul luaineach gun bhreig’, 28 stanzas + prose. (Folio 200 verso.)

(M 47). Acephalous due to missing leaf. ‘Se sid a ghiorrich an saochal’, stanzas 7-19 of song entitled elsewhere “Òran eile air Blàr na h-Eaglaise Brice” and attributed (also elsewhere) to Duncan Bàn Macintyre. Cf. MacLeod, ‘The songs of Duncan Ban Macintyre’, page 410. Hand anonymous. (Folio 203.)

(M 48). [Iain Lom.] “‘N cuala sibhs an tiunta Duinnal”, 38 lines. Parts of “Là Inbhir Lòchaidh”. Cf. Mackenzie, “Òrain Iain Luim”, page 20. Hand: Dr Donald Smith. (Folio 206.)

(M 49). Draft English translation by Donald Mackintosh of some Ossianic verse. Fragment. (Folio 207.)

(M 50). Passage from ‘Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh’. Hand: William Forbes Skene. (Folio 208.)

(M 51). Rough notes on Irish traditions with verse quotations. Hand: Dr Donald Smith. (Folio 209.)

(i) ‘Gach Lianich er ech’, 1 quatrain.

(ii) ‘Ta Blas gun cheart aig Lianich’, 1 quatrain.

(iii) ‘Le lin Chormac mhic Art’, 1 quatrain. (Folio 209 recto, line 1.)

(iv) On Owen O Neill. ‘Do chaile Eirin Cheile a Firi’, 2 quatrains. (Folio 209 recto, line 6.)

(v) Traditions and rhymes relating to Mánus Ó Domhnaill, Earl of Tirconnel. (Folio 209 recto, line 17.)

(vi) Parson Brady’s grace. (Folio 209 verso, line 9.)

(vii) ‘Hreig mis gelug bhi derf cruaidhe binne’, 2 quatrains. (Folio 209 verso, line 12.)

(viii) ‘Trihir ta bra er mo Bhas’, 5 quatrains. (Folio 209 verso, line 19.)

(ix) ‘Is evin dhuits dhuine more’, 4 stanzas. On O Donnell’s estate. (Folio 209 verso, line 30.)

(i) ‘ Mc Na mi, … (?)’, 1 quatrain. (Folio 209 verso, line 41.)

(ii) ‘Slan a feasd le pronnadh (?)Air’, 1 quatrain. On MacMahon, Lord of Ferna in Monaghan. (Folio 209 verso, line 43.)

(M 52). “An robh e sgiamhach mar dearsa na grèine”, 1 quatrain. Hand: Donald Mackintosh. (Folio 210.)

(M 53). ‘Covers from the Reverend Alexander Campbell’s collection. (Folio 211.)


  • Creation: [1794, or after]-1872, undated.


212 Leaves

Language of Materials

Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic


212 folios.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Transferred, 1925, by the Faculty of Advocates to the nation on the foundation of the National Library of Scotland.


The manuscript has been previously catalogued in: John Mackechnie, ‘Catalogue of Gaelic manuscripts in selected libraries in Great Britain and Ireland’ (Boston, 1973), page 299, and Donald Mackinnon, “Descriptive catalogue of Gaelic manuscripts in the Advocates' library, Edinburgh, and elsewhere in Scotland” (Edinburgh, 1912), page 280 (box 3).
MacDonald, John and Anne M Mackenzie. “Òrain Iain Luim. Songs of John MacDonald, Bard of Keppoch” (Edinburgh, 1964).
MacLeod, Angus.‘The songs of Duncan Ban Macintyre’ (Edinburgh, 1952).
‘Reliquiae Celticae, texts papers and studies in Gaelic literature and philology left by the late Reverend Alexander Cameron, L.L.D.’, volume 1, ‘Ossianica’ (Inverness, 1892), edited by Alexander Macbain, and the Reverend John Kennedy.
Sinclair, Archibald. "The Gaelic songster. An t-óranaiche: no, Co-thional taghte do órain úr agus shean a’ chuid mhór dhiubh nach robh riamh roimhe ann an cló" (Glasgow, 1879).
Watson, William. “Bàrdachd Ghàidhlig = Specimens of Gaelic poetry: 1550-1900” (Glasgow, 1918).


Folio and under.

National Library of Scotland Catalogue of Manuscripts Adv.MS.73.2.16
National Library of Scotland Archives and Manuscripts Division
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Repository Details

Part of the National Library of Scotland Archives and Manuscripts Division Repository

Archives and Manuscript Division
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