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'Iona Psalter'.

Identifier: MS.10000
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) Calendar in black, red and blue. The KL initials, and the entries for the major festivals and for the feast of St Columba (9 June), probably intended to have been in gold, have not been completed. The feasts are fully graded with two entries for Saints Benedict, Augustine and Frideswide (12 February and 19 October). There are a number of English saints and also entries for the Scottish Saints Felan (8 January), Ciaran (4 March) and Finan (7 April)....
Dates: 4th quarter of 12th century-1st quarter of 13th century.

Italian manuscript of Books 1-5 of 'De consolatione philosophiae' by Boethius.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.5.14
Scope and Contents The text ends on folio 105 verso; on folios 106-107 recto in the same hand is a note 'Ad sciendum de vita et morte Boetii Notandum ...'; folios 107 verso and 108 are blank.The text is written in a round Italian gothic hand. There are initials in red and blue, infilled and framed with red and green, at the beginning of each book (folios 1, 15 verso, 35, 63 verso, 87 verso). There are plain initials (some shaded) at the beginning of each section, alternately red and blue; within...
Dates: Late 15th century.

Late 10th-century manuscript, produced in England, which contains a selection of the poetry of Coelius Sedulius, with glosses in Latin and Old English.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.7.7
Scope and Contents The manuscript contains prefatory matter (‘Hoc opus Sedulii` etc., J Huemer in ‘Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum’, x, page vii note; ‘Sedulius epistola ... utilitati`, Huemer, page xi; `istud sequens` etc., Huemer, page xxii; poem of Turcius Rufus Asterius, Huemer, page 307, and ‘Anthologia Latina’ 491; `Sedulius versificus` etc., Huemer, page viii note; `mos est poetarum` etc., Huemer, page xxii); the letter to Macedonicus; the preface of the `Carmen paschale`, called...
Dates: Late 10th century.

Late 12th-century manuscript containing the 'Panormia' of Ivo, Bishop of Chartres; with two diagrams of consanguinity, and short excerpts of Pope Alexander III.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.8.6
Scope and Contents Manuscript containing the 'Panormia' of St Ivo of Chartres, divided into eight books.Dolezalek suggests that the manuscript was produced in England, while Szuromi suggests that it was written in France. Both base their conclusions on the script and style of decoration.The work has been dated to the 12th century by Borland and Szuromi; to the late 12th century by Brett; and to the early 13th century by Michael Gullick. The manuscript is written in a...
Dates: Late 12th century.

Late 13th-century manuscript in Greek, written in Constantinople in the circle of Maximus Planudes, probably by Planudes himself, containing 'Meteora' by Cleomedes, and 'Phaenomena' by Aratus.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.7.15
Scope and Contents The manuscript was written in Constantinople in the circle of Maximus Planudes, probably by Planudes himself (cf. ‘Dated Greek manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries in the libraries of Italy’, volume 1, page xvii).(i) ‘Meteora’ by Cleomedes. (Folio 1).(ii) `Phaenomena’ by Aratus, with preliminary material and scholia. The preliminary material comprises: προοίμιον (folio 55; Anon II 1), γένος ’Αράτου (folio 58; Anon II 5, Vita III), and ἀστροθεσίαι ξωδίων (folio...
Dates: Circa 1290.

Late 13th-century manuscript known as the 'Sprouston Breviary'.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.2.13B
Scope and Contents This manuscript was produced in Scotland in the late 13th century, probably sometime between 1285 and 1300 according to Hair and Knott. Borland, Frere and McRoberts have suggested that it may be of the early 14th century, but most scholars agree that it was written sometime around 1300. The manuscript contains musical services as well as the text of Church services according to the Use of Sarum. The work is written in littera textualis in double columns of unequal length....
Dates: Late 13th century.

Late 13th-century manuscript of the 'Compendium theologicae veritatis', attributed to Robert Grosseteste but probably by Hugh Ripelin of Strasbourg.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.8.1
Scope and Contents Late 13th-century manuscript containing the seven books of the 'Compendium theologicae veritatis' of Hugh Ripelin of Strasbourg. The manuscript is written in littera textualis with 26 to 29 lines to a page.The 'Compendium' is believed to have been compiled by Hugh towards the end of his life, from circa 1260 onwards. The work is divided in to seven books: I The Nature of God; II The Creation; III On Sin; IV The Incarnation; V On Grace, the Virtues, the Beatitudes and the Ten...
Dates: Late 13th century.

Late 13th-century manuscript produced in France, possibly in the Lorraine region, containing the prose romance of Tristan.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.1.3
Scope and Contents Late 13th-century manuscript produced France, possibly the Lorraine region, containing the prose romance of Tristan. Borland has attributed the manuscript to the early 14th century. Meyer and Vinaver both assigned it to the 13th century. Johnson suggests that the manuscript was possibly written from dictation by a scribe accustomed to the forms of Old French prevalent in Lorraine. The work is written in triple columns of 60 lines each, except where lais or chansons are introduced. ...
Dates: Late 13th century.

Late 14th-century manuscript of part of the 'Chronicle' of Walter of Guisborough.

Identifier: Adv.MS.33.5.3
Scope and Contents The manuscript now ends in the middle of the year 1297, page 297, 1.7 of H Rothwell`s edition; the remainder is British Library,Cotton MSS. Vesp. A.ix, folios 122-153, and Calig. A.xiii, folios 5-16. `Finis` has been substituted on folio 171 verso for the original catchword `Quidam Scottorum`. A letter of Felix Liebermann, 1887, on the relation of this and Cotton Vesp. A.ix is tipped in at folio iii.In the first three gatherings initials and headings are in red,...
Dates: Late 14th century.

Late 14th- or early 15th-century manuscript of the ‘Roman de la Rose’, written in two stages by Guillaume de Lorris, circa 1230, and Jean de Meun, circa 1270.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.1.7
Scope and Contents During the 14th century, a great number of manuscripts of the ‘Roman de la Rose’ were produced. Many of them were very richly illustrated, as this one would have been, had the illustration scheme been completed. The fact that so many manuscripts of the work were commissioned is accounted for by the great popularity of the text, which was at the time one of the major standards of the elite culture. At the beginning of the 15th century however, perhaps because of its outstanding success, it...
Dates: Late 14th to early 15th century.

Late 15th-century manuscript containing 'Moralium dogma philosophorum' attributed to Guillaume de Conches, bound with 3 incunabula.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.7.5
Scope and Contents 15th-century manuscript produced in Italy containing the 'Moralium dogma philosophorum' attributed to Guillaume de Conches. The script and watermark evidence suggest that the manuscript is a work of the late 15th century, probably 1470 and after. The manuscript is the work of one scribe using an Italian humanistic script with 26 lines to a page.The contents of the volume are as follows:Pasted to the inner of the front board is a letter from J. B. Oldham, Librarian,...
Dates: Late 15th century.

Late 15th-century manuscript of an incomplete copy of the verse drama 'Istoire de la destruction de Troye la grant' by Jacques Milet, composed between 1450 and 1452.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.1.9
Scope and Contents The manuscript is incomplete, containing only the prologue and the first two out of four ‘journées’. There is also a folio missing between folios 8 and 9, containing lines 11-54 of the first `journée`. Three gatherings have been misplaced: folios 253-286 should follow folio 310. Stage directions in French and Latin are placed centrally, not in the margins. Written in one hand throughout. Three spaces were left for decorated initials (folios 1, 8) and there are a few large initials, probably...
Dates: Late 15th century.

Late 15th-century manuscript of 'Il Ninfale fiesolano' by Giovanni Boccaccio.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.2.13
Scope and Contents Late 15th-century manuscript produced in Italy containing 'Il Ninfale', or 'The Nymph of Fiesole', of Giovanni Boccaccio, written in ottava rima.The manuscript is the work of one scribe, written in an Italian round hand.Balduino states that the manuscript is incomplete in places and not arranged in the correct order.The work starts on folio 2r and runs to folio 94r.The colophon on folio 94r reads: 'Finito ellibro chiamato ninfale'....
Dates: Late 15th century.

Late 15th-century manuscript of 'The oryginale cronykil of Scotland', or 'Original Chronicle', of Andrew Wyntoun.

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.2.3
Scope and Contents Manuscript produced in Scotland containing 'The oryginale cronykil of Scotland', or Original Chronicle, of Andrew Wyntoun. The work is a vernacular history of Scotland and the world in the form of a metrical poem. This work is divided into 9 Books with chapters.In Amours' edition of Wyntoun's work, this manuscript is referred to as E1, or the First Edinburgh Manuscript. Scholars have generally dated it to the end of the 15th century. Amours, Laing, and Borland suggest dates of...
Dates: Late 15th century.

Late 15th-century manuscript, probably written in Italy, containing the 'Quaestiones' of Ugo Benzi (Hugo de Siena) and a medical work described as the sixth in a series of 'sermons', possibly related to the works of Nicolaus de Florentia.

Identifier: Adv.MS.23.1.12
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) The ‘Quaestiones’ of Ugo Benzi (Hugo de Siena). This text contains those `de complexionibus (folio 1), `de equali ad pondus’ (folio 5 verso), ‘de etate consistendi` (folio 10), `de modo augmentationis` (folio 16 verso), ‘de malitia complexionis diverse` (folio 20), `utrum virtutes anime distinguantur ab invicem et ab anima` and `per obiecta` (folio 30; the two are not here separated), `de secundo modo equalitatis` (folio 31) and...
Dates: Late 15th century.

Late 16th-century manuscript, in Greek, on rhetoric and philosophy

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.5.8
Scope and Contents (i) Aphthonius Sophista, Προγυμνάσματα. (Folio 1). (ii) Nathanael, hierodiaconus at Athens, Εἰς τὴν τοῦ Πορφυρίου εἰσαγωγὴν προλεγόμενα, beginning πρόηιται ἡμῖν εἰς ἐξήγησιν ἡ τοῦ Πορφυρίου εἰσαγωγή. Apparently not otherwise known. (Folio 29).(iii) Anonymous treatises εἶδος (folio 59, beginning τὸ ϰαὶ εἶδος λέγεται ϰαὶ ἐπὶ τοῦ ἑϰάστου μορφη̃ς ϰαθὸ εἴρηται ), διαφορά (folio 72 verso, beginning διαφορὰ δέ ἐστιν ὥστε ϰαὶ ἰδίως ), ἴδιον...
Dates: Late 16th century.

Latin Bible written in France in the second half of the 13th century.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.8.10
Scope and Contents The order of contents is that usually found in French bibles of the period, with the common set of 64 prologues (see ‘Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries’, ii, pages 210-212). The biblical books are followed (folio 511) by the interpretations of Hebrew names beginning `Aaz apprehendens` (‘Repertorium Biblicum medii aevi’, number 7709). A leaf containing Psalms 23-29 is missing after folio 238.There are illuminated initials throughout: preceding the first prologue and at the...
Dates: 2nd half of 13th century.

'Liber taxarum' of the Papal Chancery, written in 1484.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.2.1
Scope and Contents The manuscript was completed in 1484, and written and illuminated in Italy. The volume is a tax book for the Apostolic Chancery containing details of benefices and their respective taxation of the late 15th-century Church. The benefice headings are given in a gothic bookhand, while the remaining text is in a humanistic hand. The names of the benefices are to the left and centre of the page, and the taxable value is given in florins in a column to the right. The list...
Dates: 1484

Manuscript, 15th century, of a copy of the `Expositio symboli apostolorum` by Joannes de Marienwerder.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.6.15
Scope and Contents The main text (folio 10) is preceded (folio 1) by the anonymous `Tabula expositionis` (see ‘Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi’, numbers 4780 and 4780.1), and followed (folio 142 verso) by ` De octo beatitudinibus` (‘Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi’, number 4780, 1.1). The latter appears to be incomplete, breaking off after the third Beatitude.The manuscript is in one hand throughout, with the exception of folio 146. Written in brown ink with large initials, headings and chapter...
Dates: 15th century

Manuscript, by John Gibson junior, a canon of Glasgow, of an abridged copy of the 'Black Book of Paisley', a version of the 'Scotichronicon' of Walter Bower.

Identifier: Adv.MS.35.6.8
Scope and Contents Manuscript produced in Scotland and written by John Gibson junior, a canon of Glasgow. The manuscript is an abridged copy of the 'Black Book of Paisley', a version of the 'Scotichronicon'. The original copy of the 'Black Book of Paisley', from which Gibson made his abridgement, is in the British Library. The full contents of the manuscript are as follows:A verse history of the Scots from their origins to the reign of James II. Folios 1r-10r.Genealogy from...
Dates: 1501

Manuscript containing a 15th-century list of benefactors, prayers, obituaries, and rental of the Hospital of St Anthony, Leith; with a 16th-century extract from a rental of Newhaven.

Identifier: Adv.MS.34.5.5
Scope and Contents Manuscript produced in Scotland containing Church offices; a calendar; obituaries of benefactors; a rental of the hospital of St Anthony, Leith; and a rental of Newhaven.The manuscript appears to be the work of two separate hands executed at different times. The earlier part of the work is of the 15th century. From folio 19r onwards the hand can be attributed to the mid-16th century.The contents are as follows:Flyleaves with shelfmark inscriptions. Folios...
Dates: 15th century-1st half of 16th century.

Manuscript containing a collection of ballads and other poems

Identifier: Adv.MS.19.1.4
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) ‘La Complainte de Nature a L`Alchymiste’ by Jean Perréal, followed (folio 18) by ‘La Response de l’Alchymiste’. Printed in ‘La Roman de la Rose’, iv, pages 123-202. It omits the prologue and a number of lines throughout, and the last 187 lines of the ‘Response’ are replaced by the last forty lines of the ‘Complainte’. For a discussion of the poem and its authorship, see A Vernet in ‘Bibliothèque d`Humanisme et Renaissance’, iii,...
Dates: 1st half of 16th century.

Manuscript containing a register of documents relating to the Dominican Priory of Elgin and the Maison Dieu, copied from the chartulary of the see of Moray and certified mostly by David Douglas, notary public, in 1548.

Identifier: Adv.MS.34.7.2
Scope and Contents A register of documents pertaining to the Dominican Priory of Elgin and the Maison Dieu, copied from the Chartulary of the see of Moray and certified mostly by David Douglas, notary public, in 1548. An introduction by John Leslie (1527-1596), later bishop of Ross, on f. 1v states the purpose and attests the transcription. This is written in a different hand from that of David Douglas, whose transumpts or transcriptions begin on folio 2r. His hand continues to folio 71r, where...
Dates: 1548.

Manuscript known as the 'Herdmanstoun Antiphonal', or 'Herdmanstoun Breviary'.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.2.13A
Scope and Contents Manuscript known traditionally as the Herdmanstoun Breviary, but more correctly described as an Antiphonal. It was written in the north of England, possibly Northumberland, but later taken to Scotland and altered. It has been suggested by Höhler that the manuscript was possibly written for the college of canons founded at Chester-le-Street by Bishop Anthony Bek of Durham. Bannister speculates that the volume may have been brought to Scotland during the reign of David II (1329-1371). ...
Dates: Circa 1300

Manuscript of a commentary by Michael Miniclardi on 'De consolatione philosophiae' by Boethius.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.6.3
Scope and Contents The main text ends on folio 221 verso. Folio 222 contains 30 hexameters on Boethius (incipit 'Floruit hic doctor clarusque Boetius autor'). Folios 223-228 recto contain an 'exortatio' 'ad honorem dei et sanctorum apostolorum petri et pauli', written by Miniclardi in 1444. Folio 228 verso-230 verso contain, in a different hand, a draft speech against Q Ligarius (defended by Cicero in his extant speech 'Pro Ligario'), presumably a school exercise; interlinear corrections are possibly by...
Dates: 1443.