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Literary and linguistic papers of Donald MacPherson., Early 19th century.

Identifier: MS.14894

Scope and Contents

Folios 9-72 consist largely of neat transcripts of songs from Donald MacPherson’s notebooks, and are probably the final draft of part of his intended second publication. (Many items appear in earlier drafts in MSS.14891-14892). Folios 88-111 may be the promised English part.

The contents are as follows.

(i) John MacCodrum. “A’ chainnt a thuirt Iain”, 196 lines. From “Sàr Obair” (folio 1 recto);

(ii) Niall MacMhuirich. “Aodroman muice hŏ! Hò!” 45 lines. From “Sàr Obair” (folio 7 verso);

(iii) “Ciamar ‘thig an gaol oirinn?” 14 quatrains + chorus (folio 9 recto);

(iv) “Bi’dh cuideachd nan geug, le suigeart a seinn”, 5 quatrains + chorus (folio 17 recto);

(v) “An cuimhne leat ‘n uair bha sinn”, 5 quatrains + chorus (bottom of page 17 verso);

(vi) ‘Tha suil mhiogach aig mo ghradh’, 3 quatrains + chorus (folio 18 verso);

(vii) “‘S teachdaire bho neamh am filidh”, 11 quatrains + chorus. To Sir Charles Forbes on receiving his baronetcy, 1823 (folio 19 recto);

(viii) “‘S tric an saoi fo chuing na bochdainn”, 6 quatrains + chorus. “’Se ‘n duin’ ionraig righ nan daoine” (folio 20 verso);

(ix) ‘Their fear tuaileis – rud nach fiord ha’, 7 quatrains + chorus (bottom of folio 21 recto);

(x) “Thug mi gaol do sheud nam mnà”, 14 stanzas + chorus (middle of folio 22 recto);

(xi) ‘Tiugainn leam do ghleann nan cuach’, 7 stanzas. ‘Gairm’, volume 25, page 208 (middle of folio 23 recto);

(xii) “‘Se miann dhaormunn suarach ‘bhi ‘cnuasach gach lò”, 4 quatrains + chorus (bottom of folio 24 recto);

(xiii) “‘N uair ‘thig an samhradh geugach oirnn”, 4 quatrains + chorus (folio 25 recto);

(xiv) ‘Ged tha do chairdean farranach’, 5 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 25 verso);

(xv) “‘S aimideach na daoine leam”, 3 quatrains + chorus (bottom of folio 26 recto);

(xvi) “‘S ceolar eibhinn barr gach geige”, 5 quatrains + chorus (bottom of folio 26 verso);

(xvii) ‘Mile marbhphaisg air an t-saoghal!’ 8 quatrains + chorus (folio 27 verso); (xviii) “B’fhearr leam aon oich’ air an toman”, 7 quatrains + chorus (folio 28 verso);

(xix) “B’e m’aighear suidhe lamh ruit”, 12 quatrains + chorus. ‘Gairm’, volume 25, page 210 (folio 29 verso);

(xx) “‘Se mo rùn an Gaidheal gasda”, 9 stanzas + chorus (folio 31 recto);

(xxi) “‘N cuimhne leatsa ‘n uair bu chlann sinn”, 4 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 31 verso);

(xxii) “Latha dhomh ‘s mi air an àiridh”, 4 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 32 recto);

(xxiii) “Geumnaich a’chruidh chaisfhinn, cheanainn”, 5 stanzas + chorus (middle of folio 32 verso);

(xxiv) ‘Ged a their na gillean faoin’, 4 quatrains + chorus (bottom of folio 33 verso);

(xxv) ‘Cearcan riabhach nan carn’, 4 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 34 recto);

(xxvi) “Gu’m b’annsa na pharais”, 4 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 34 verso);

(xxvii) “‘S tric ‘thug mi air laimh thu”, 4 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 35 recto);

(xxviii) ‘An cuimhne leat-sa Mhari’, 4 stanzas + chorus (middle of folio 35 verso);

(xxix) “‘Se ‘s cuibhe do mhnathan an t-saoghail”, 5 stanzas + chorus. ‘Gairm’, volume 25, page 212 (middle of folio 36 verso);

(xxx) “S goirt an sgeula ‘s gur dubhach”, 7 stanzas (middle of folio 37 verso);

(xxxi) “Air maduinn chuin ‘sa mhios am bruchd”, 4 stanzas (middle of folio 38 verso);

(xxxii) “Tha ‘n samhradh gu bruthainneach fàsmhor”, 5 stanzas + chorus (folio 39 verso);

(xxxiii) ‘Turus thug mi do Chat-taobh’, 11 stanzas + chorus. ‘Gairm’, volume 25, page 213 (bottom of folio 40 recto);

(xxxiv) “B’annsa ‘bhi ‘n Gleann Shiarthaobh”, 5 quatrains + chorus (folio 41 recto);

(xxxv) “‘S toigh leam banarach na buaile”, 10 stanzas + chorus (middle of folio 41 verso);

(xxxvi) ‘An deigh iomadh seacharan faoin’, 4 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 42 recto);

(xxxvii) ‘A ghaoth a deas, nach toir thu bhuam’, 2 stanzas (middle of folio 42 verso);

(xxviii) "‘N uair a theid thu 'd 'airm gu h-uellach" (middle of folio 43 recto);

(xxxix) “‘N uair bhios cach nan surram-suain”, 3 quatrains + chorus (folio 44 recto);

(xl) “Chunna mis’ thu ‘d’airm ‘s a’d’eideadh”, 6 stanzas + chorus (folio 44 verso);

(xli) “An sgeul ‘thainig bho Thuath orm”, 10 stanzas (folio 45 recto);

(xlii) ‘Duisg, duisg le ceol dubhach, a chlarsach a ghlinne!’ 7 stanzas (middle of folio 46 verso);

(xliii) “A laochraidh nan lann ‘s nam beann ‘s nam breacan”, 8 stanzas (middle of folio 47 verso);

(xliv) “Tog ‘Albainn suas do ghuth le fuaim”, 10 stanzas (middle of folio 49 recto);

(xlv) ‘Och nan och, mar a ta!’ 14 stanzas. On death of sir Charles Forbes, Baronet, 1849 (folio 51 recto);

(xlvi) “Cha chreid mi, ged their cach e, gur diomhain, anns a’ Ghailig”, 5 stanzas (folio 53 recto);

(xlvii) ‘Ge fad air chairt mi, gur tric mo smuaintean’, 10 stanzas (folio 54 recto);

(xlviii) ‘Ged is fada bho thuath miu’, 7 quatrains + chorus. ‘Gairm’, volume 25, page 215 (folio 56 recto);

(xlvix) “‘N uair a dh’fhalbhas an fhuarachd”, 7 stanzas. ‘Gairm’, volume 25, page 216 (middle of folio 57 verso);

(i) ‘Loch nan gleannan tiorail tlath’, 5 quatrains + chorus (bottom of folio 57 verso);

(li) “Gleanna Marcaidh ùr an fheoir”, 7 quatrains + chorus (folio 58 verso);

(Folio 59 verso blank);

(lii) “Tha ‘samhradh a’tighinn ‘s an ceitein ur òg”, 10 quatrains. ‘An Doire-donn’ (folio 60 recto);

(liii) “Ged shiubhlainn seachd uairean an cuairt-chruinne-cé”, 11 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 61 recto);

(liv) “Ghineadh mis’ am fearann Chluaini”, 14 quatrains + chorus (middle of folio 62 recto);

(lv) ‘Bu ghann am feachd a fhuair a mach’, 5 stanzas. On battle of Killiecrankie (middle of folio 63 verso);

(lvi) “Ged is soilleir srath Arno, ‘s ged a mhaireas an samhradh”, 5 stanzas (middle of folio 64 verso);

(lvii) “‘S deacair dhomh-s’ gun bhi bronach, ‘s an long ard’ dol a sheoladh”, 2 stanzas. ‘Slan le Baideanach’ (folio 65 verso);

(lviii) ‘A Sheana chlarsach a ghlinn, tog-sa suas, gu grin’, 5 stanzas (folio 66 recto);

(lvix) ‘Ged tha sinn togarrach air ceol’, 4 stanzas (middle of folio 66 verso);

(lx) ‘Ceud buaidh Thighearna Chluaini!’ 6 quatrains + chorus. ‘Gairm’, volume 25, page 218 (middle of folio 67 verso);

(lxi) “Ge tamull air falbh sinn bho Alba ‘s bho ‘glinn”, 3 quatrains + chorus (bottom of folio 68 recto);

(lxii) ‘Thug mise car tamuill neo-sheasmhach’, 6 quatrains + chorus. From Persian of Hafiz (folio 71 recto);

(lxiii) Lachlan MacPherson of Strathmashie. ‘Gur lionar cruadal sinnte’, 10 stanzas. Elegy on Ewen MacPherson of Cluny, died 1764. On rectos only (folio 73 recto);

(lxiv) ‘Oh! where is the Lethe can Memory kill’, 12 quatrains + chorus. On versos only. Concluded at folio 79 verso (folio 73 verso);

(lxv) ‘Le eutromas na h oige’, 6 stanzas + chorus (folio 78 recto);

(lxvi) ‘Nuair rachainn chu na feile’, 13 quatrains + chorus. “Scriobhte le Uilliam Ross ann an Bindel ai chiad là don bhliadhn ùir, 1827”. MacPherson adds: “This is a vile imitation of Strathmasie’s “Brigis Lachdan – D.M.” (folio 80);

(lxvii) “Moch sa mhaduinn ‘s mi dusgadh”, 8 stanzas. ‘Oran Bhraidealban’ (folio 81);

(lxviii) Copy by Donald MacPherson (on backs of four copies of a concert-bill) of a letter to the Highland Society of London from a Daibhi O Murchadha in the United States, 1841. In mixture of Irish and Scottish Gaelic (folio 83);

(lxix) [Toirdhealbhach Ó Cearbhalláin]. “Mas teinn no slán a thárlaighis féin”, 3 quatrains. “Ól Re Chearbhalláin”. In anonymous hand. Gaelic script (folio 87);

(lxx) 27 of his songs in English, mostly set to Gaelic airs, written by Donald MacPherson in a fair hand (folio 88);

(lxxi) Reviews, testimonials and acknowledgements of Donald MacPherson’s work. From: his commanding officer, Colonel Samuel Swinton, Corfu, 1814; ‘Literary Chronicle’, 1824; ‘Monthly Magazine’, 1824; ‘Cuairtear nan Gleann’, 1840; Lachlan MacLean, Glasgow, 1841; Windsor Castle, 1843; Osborne House, 1846; Ewen MacPherson of Cluny, undated (folio 112);

(lxxii) Two autograph prospectuses for MacPherson’s unpublished work. One is addressed to the Highland Society of London, the other includes the names of 37 subscribers (folio 124);

(lxxiii) Gaelic-English word-list (folio 132);

(lxxiv) Notes on defective verbs in Gaelic (folio 162);

(lxxv) Welsh-English-Gaelic word-list (folio 163);

(lxxvi) Latin-English-Gaelic word-list (folio 240);

(lxxvii) Notes on Asian languages (folio 246);

(lxxviii) Two copies of press-cutting from, ‘The Times’, 14 October 1869; essay entitled ‘Ossian Redivivus’. With reply in Dr Halley’s hand subscribed “Gael ‘o thìr nam beann. 26th Octr. 1869” (folio 248);

(lxxix) Three letters, James Logan to Dr Halley, 1870, referring to MacPherson’s manuscripts; Halley’s reply is subscribed to the first (folio 254).


  • Creation: Early 19th century.

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257 Leaves


257 folios.


‘Gairm’, volume 25 (Glasgow, 1958).

Repository Details

Part of the National Library of Scotland Archives and Manuscripts Division Repository

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