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State papers collected by Sir James Balfour of Denmilne, volume 1: letters and papers, 1560-1610 (chiefly1603-1606), undated, on various topics., 1560-1610, undated.

Identifier: Adv.MS.33.1.1 (i)

Scope and Contents

The volume is entitled ‘Staite bussines for the yeirs 1603,1604, 1605 and 1606. Reg Jacobo 6’, and is marked ‘A.2.38’ and ‘Denmylne, 42’.

The contents are as follows.

(i) ‘The Kingis Ma[ties] Letter and Promeis in verbo principis all wreittin w[t] his Ma[ties] awin hand at Croneburgh in Denmark: In favouris of Alex[r] Lord of Spynie, Anent the erectione of the Rentis of the B. of M[r]ray in ane Temporall Lordship’, this being a back title written on the letter in the reign of James VI. Dated Croneburg, [1590]. Printed in ‘Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club’, volume 1 (1837), page 213; and in ‘Lives of the Lindsays’, volume i, page 319.

(ii) ‘Articles declaring both the state of the North part of Irelande and what is required of the part of Scotlande to help that the same be set in good order’, mentioning particularly James McConnell of the Isles; Sorley Boy, his brother, the Earl of Argyle; and Callogh O’Donnell, the son of O’Donnell. ‘Collected and written by y[e] L. Ma[ts] Comadmet 2 Aprilis 1560 by me [signed] W. Cecill’.

(iii) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI, concerning an allegation by the Earl of Mar that in his absence at court a plot had been formed by certain persons not named, to carry off Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales from those who had him in charge. Dated Stirling Castle, 12 May 1603. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 3.

(iv) Letter of the Earl of Montrose, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, to James VI, concerning the Queen’s illness and the alleged plot to seize the person of the Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales. This matter, the Chancellor conceives likely ‘to make ane grettar sturre in this cuntrey than any that hes bene this mony yeiris ago’; the Queen and many of the nobility being opposed to the Earl of Mar. Dated Holyroodhouse, 13 May 1603. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 49.

(v) Letter, [circa 1605], of the Earl of Angus, being in exile for professing the Catholic faith, to James VI. Printed in ‘The Douglas book’ by Sir William Fraser (Edinburgh, 1885), iv, page 191; and in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’, page 62.

(vi) Letter of the Earl of Montrose, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, to James VI, concerning the Queen’s health, and her departure to Stirling. Dated Holyroodhouse, 10 May [1603]. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 48.

(vii) Dispatch of Lord Deputy Mountjoy and his Council to the Lords of the Privy Council of Scotland, concerning their proceedings in regard to Waterford and Kilkenny. Dated Malloe, 17 May 1603.

(viii) Letter of the Earl of Montrose to James VI concerning the dispute between the Queen and the Earl of Mar for the custody of Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales. The letter mentions also in general terms ‘ane laite matter fallen furth in Carrick’ requiring the interference of government. Dated Edinburgh, 1 June 1603. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 57.

(ix) Holograph letter of Lord Fyvie to James VI which gives an account of the present state of health of the King’s ‘noble issue and son, Duc Charles’ who had been committed to the charge of Fyvie. The letter alludes to the feud between ‘Donald Gorme’ and ‘Mac Claude Hereis’ and to the state of the service against the ‘MacGregors’ and ends with some general remarks on the attendance of the Scottish Privy Councillors to the affairs of the realm. Dated Edinburgh, 29 April 1603. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 46.

(x) Holograph letter of Lord Fyvie to James VI which gives many particulars concerning the ‘sturre’ between the Queen and the Earl of Mar. The letter mentions the state of health of Duke Charles, alludes to the broil in Carrick, and lastly gives some recommendations to the King concerning the choice of individuals to be Senators of the College of Justice. Dated Edinburgh, 30 May 1603. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 53.

(xi) Holograph letter of the Marquis of Huntly to James VI. Dated Edinburgh, 6 February [?1608]. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 122.

(xii) Letter of James VI to Lord Spynie. Dated Whitehall, 29 May 1604.

(xiii) Holograph letter, undated, of James VI to the Countess Dowager of Angus concerning the Lordship of Spynie. Printed in ‘Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club, 1 (1837), page 216; and in ‘Facsimiles of national manuscripts of Scotland’, volume iii (1871), number lxxiv.

(xiv) Holograph letter, [1589, or before], of James VI to the Countess Dowager of Angus concerning the Lordship of Spynie. Written before the King’s marriage in 1589. Printed in ‘Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club’, volume 1 (1837), page 215.

(xv) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to James VI concerning the Earl of Cassilis, being then in ward ‘for the unmannerly insolence committed by him against his wife in presence of the Council’. Dated Edinburgh 4 April 1604. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 4.

(xvi) Holograph letter of the Marquis of Huntly to James VI complaining of the persecution to which he was exposed from the Scottish Clergy. The letter also alludes to the projected Union of the Kingdoms. Dated Huntly, 20 November [1604]. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 60.

(xvii) Letter of Sir William Stewart of Traquair to James VI concerning a dispute between his Lordship and Gideon Murray. Dated Linlithgow, 10 October 1604.

(xviii) Copy of a letter of the Scottish Commissioners addressed to James VI concerning the projected union. The letter bears no signatures but is in the hand of Lord Balmerino. Dated 4 December 1604.

(xix) Copy of a letter, undated, of the Scottish Commissioners addressed to James VI concerning the projected union. The letter bears no signatures but is in the hand of Lord Balmerino.

(xx) Rough copy of a letter of the Scottish Commissioners addressed to James VI concerning the projected union. The letter is in the hand of Lord Balmerino. Dated 27 November 1604.

(xxi) Rough copy of a letter of the Scottish Commissioners addressed to James VI concerning the projected union. The letter is in the hand of Lord Balmerino. The first part is a duplicate of a portion of (xx). Dated Whitehall, 29 November 1604.

(xxii) Letter of the Earl of Angus to James VI concerning the late parliament at Perth and the project of a union. Dated Tomthalloun, 20 November 1604. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 58.

(xxiii) Letter of James VI to Lord Spynie concerning the latter’s resignation of the Bishoprick of Murray. Dated Valtoune Abbey, 17 December 1605. Printed in ‘Miscellany of the Abbotsford Club’, volume 1 (1837), page 214; and in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 455.

(xxiv) Holograph letter, 9 June 1605, of Lord Balmerino to James VI giving an account of a recent convention of the estates, and generally, concerning the state of the country. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 65.

(xxv) Letter, 19 October [1608], of the English Privy Council to James VI concerning the examination of Lord Balmerino on the charge of addressing a letter in the King’s name to the Pope.

(xxvi) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning James Douglas of Torthorwald. Dated Edinburgh, 2 August 1605. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 7.

(xxvii) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning the Marquis of Huntly and the ministers of the Presbytery of Aberdeen. Dated Edinburgh, 1 February 1605. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 64.

(xxviii) Letter of Lords Dunfermline, Balmerino and Scone to Lord Berwick, Treasurer of Scotland, concerning the Marquis of Huntly who had gone to Court without license; and concerning the feud between Lord Maxwell and the Johnstons. Dated Edinburgh, 9 March 1605.

(xxix) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI concerning a curious case of perjury and subornation, punished with death; and giving some particulars concerning the feud between the Maxwells and Johnstons. Dated Edinburgh, 23 March 1605. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 68.

(xxx) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to Lord Berwick concerning the punishment to be inflicted upon Colin, Patrick and Alexander Bruces in Middlehaugh of Huntingtower for resetting the Clan Gregor and other crimes. Dated Edinburgh, 26 April 1605. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 6.

(xxxi) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to James VI, recommending the bearer (whose name is not given) as an assistant to the Earl of Dunbar. Dated Holyroodhouse, 6 December 1605. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 8.

(xxxii) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to James VI concerning the Marquis of Huntly’s going to Court without license. The letter was sent express with the view of anticipating the Marquis. Dated Edinburgh, 9 March 1605.

(xxxiii) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to Alexander Hay concerning the Marquis of Huntly’s going to Court without license. Dated Edinburgh, 9 March 1605.

(xxxiv) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI concerning: a broil between the Lairds of Edzell and Pittarrow; and, giving a highly favourable picture of the present peaceable state of Scotland. Dated Edinburgh, 22 June 1605. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 73.

(xxxv) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to James VI concerning a lawsuit between the Countess of Atholl and the Earl of Atholl, her son-in-law. Dated Edinburgh, 31 July 1605. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 8.

(xxxvi) Holograph letter of Lord Fyvie to James VI concerning the state of Scotland, the proposed creation of Earls, the holding of a convention, the Maxwells and Johnstons, and Church matters. Dated Edinburgh, 3 March 1605. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 69.

(xxxvii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI concerning the Marquis of Huntly and the Ministers, the state of Scotland generally, the Maxwells and Johnstons, the Earl of Argyll and the MacGregors, the commissioners for the Borders, and the Earl of Home. Dated Edinburgh, 2 April 1605. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 71.

(xxxviii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI concerning the proceedings of the late Convention, the Scottish mint, the state of Scotland generally, and the King’s ordinances concerning the Peer’s robes and the using of the Great Seal. Dated Edinburgh, 8 June 1605.

(xxxix) Letter of the Earl of Montrose to James VI congratulating him on his escaping from the Gunpowder Treason. Dated Holyroodhouse, 29 November 1605. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 74.

(xl) Scrolls, on the same leaf, of two letters of James VI to the Scottish Privy Council. The first letter, undated, (on the application of the French ambassador) is in favour of the Earl of Angus. The second letter is in favour of Susanna Declony, wife of Adrian Vanson, ‘Sumtyme our painter’, a Creditor of the. This letter is dated Whitehall, 6 July 1610. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 191.

(xli) Holograph letter of the Earl of Erroll to James VI concerning the Earl’s recovery from a dangerous illness. Dated Erroll, 21 October 1605.

(xlii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Erroll to James VI congratulating him on his escape from the Gunpowder Treason. Dated Perth, 24 November 1605.

(xliii) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to James VI concerning the proceedings against the Clan Gregor; and a feud between the Lindsays and Ogilvies. Dated Edinburgh, 18 May [1603]. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 51.

(xliv) Holograph letter of Sir Thomas Hamilton, Lord Advocate, to James VI concerning the trial of John Forbes, John Welsh and the other ministers, and, praising the Earl of Dunbar for his conduct in the matter. Dated Linlithgow, 11 January 1606. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 10.

(xlv) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to James VI concerning certain fees on infeftments claimed by the ‘Ishearis’ and which had been lately regulated by the Council to the discontentment of the Ushers, but much to the satisfaction of the lieges. Dated Edinburgh, 10 June 1606. Printed in the ‘Register of the Privy Council of Scotland’, volume vii, page 491.

(xlvi) Letter of the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Scotland to James VI on behalf of William Duncan, Baillie of Musselburgh, who had had a ship of seventy ton, built by him in Norway, confiscated by the laws of that country. Dated Edinburgh, 13 February 1606.

(xlvii) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to James VI in favour of Robert Bruce, Minister. Dated Linlithgow, 13 December 1606. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 70; and in ‘Register of the Privy Council of Scotland’, volume vii, page 505.

(xlviii) Letter of the Earl of Erroll to James VI concerning the private affairs of the Earl. Dated Logiealmond, 16 March 1606. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 80.

(xlix) Letter of certain Privy Councillors to the Earl of Dunbar concerning a broil in Glasgow between the Laird of Minto younger and Sir George Elphinstone, Provost, ‘quhairupone the haile toune almaist reiss in armes’. Dated Glasgow, 24 July 2606. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 83.

(l) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI concerning the anniversary of his escape from the Gowrie Conspiracy. Dated Dunfermline, 6 August 1606.

(li) Holograph letter of the Earl of Mar to James VI ‘anent the Tersell of Foullisheugh’. Dated Edinburgh, 25 January 1605 [i.e. 1606]. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’, page 77.

(lii) Letter of the Earl of Erroll to James VI concerning the ‘Tersell’ of Foullisheuch; and another hawk called his ‘Mangrell Falcone’. Dated Perth, 21 January 1606. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 76.

(liii) Letter of the Earl of Montrose to James VI, being a general letter of duty and service, in answer to one sent from the King through the Laird of Burlie. Dated Edinburgh, 14 June 1606.

(liv) Holograph letter of the Earl of Mar to James VI in answer to a royal letter sent to Mar through the Laird of Burlie. The letter is quite general and Mar offers his service to the King. Dated Edinburgh, 16 June 1606.

(lv) Letter of the Earls of Dunfermline and Balmerino to James VI defending themselves, (but without coming to particulars) from certain ‘horribill accusationnes’ against them. Dated Edinburgh, 18 April 1606. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 79.

(lvi) Holograph letter of Lord Loudoun to James VI, in answer to a letter from the King sent through the Earl of Dunbar, and offering his service to him in the matter referred to, which however is not specified. Dated Edinburgh, 16 June 1606. See also (liii) and (liv).

(lvii) Holograph letter of the Marquis of Hamilton, Commendator of Arbroath, to James VI concerning his infeftments in that benefice, which was opposed by the Laird of Panmure and others. Dated Hamilton, 1 March [1608]. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 125.

(lviii) Holograph letter, undated, of Bruce of Airth to James VI, complaining of his cousin Sir George Bruce, in reference to a monopoly of making salt claimed by the latter.

(lix) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning a charge brought by John Forbes against the Lord Chancellor of Scotland (the Earl of Dunfermline) connected with the late ‘pretended assembly held at Aberdeen. Dated Edinburgh, 14 June 1606. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 13 and in ‘Register of the Privy Council of Scotland’, volume vii, page 492.

(lx) Letter of the Privy Council to James VI concerning a feud between the Earls of Eglinton and Glencairn, arising from the slaughter of the late Earl of Eglinton. Dated Linlithgow, 27 August [?1606]. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 85; and in ‘Register of the Privy Council of Scotland’, volume vii, page 499.

(lxi) Holograph letter of the Earl of Argyle to James VI promising his assistance in ‘such things as are to be treated of in this nyxt Parliament’, being in answer to a letter from the King sent through the Earl of Dunbar. Dated Edinburgh, 15 June ?1606.

(lxii) Letter, [?June 1606], of the Earl of Cassilis to James VI, in answer to a letter sent through the Earl of Dunbar, and promising his support to the measures wished by the King to be carried in the next Parliament.

(lxiii) Letter of the Scottish Privy Council to the King, by Lord Fleming, sent to report on the charge made by John Forbes against the Lord Chancellor of Scotland (the Earl of Dunfermline). Dated Edinburgh, 14 June 1606. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 15.

(lxiv) Letter of the Earl of Dunbar, Lord Scone and the Lord Advocate to James VI concerning a subsidy granted by the Scottish Parliament and calculated to produce 400,000 merks. Dated Perth, 6 July 1606. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 19.

(lxv) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI mentioning the ravages of a contagious sickness then prevalent throughout Scotland. Dated Dunfermline, 30 October 1606. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 90.

(lxvi) Letter of the Earl of Dunbar, Lord Scone and Sir Thomas Hamilton, Lord Advocate, to James VI concerning the proceedings of a Parliament then sitting, and of the Lords of the Articles particularly concerning the ratification of the King’s prerogative, the “Bishop’s act”, and a tumult at Perth between the followers of the Earls of Eglinton and Glencairn. Dated Perth, 4 July 1606. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 15.

(lxvii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI in favour of the town of Dumbarton, which was threatened with total destruction by inundations of the sea. Dated Niddrie, 4 September 1606. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 87.

(lxviii) Holograph letter, [?October 1606], of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI, praising the Earl of Dunbar for his conduct in the late Parliament and in other matters. The letter also alludes to the plague, and to a domestic affliction of his own. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 88.

(lxix) Holograph letter of the Earl of Angus to James VI, promising his support to the King’s Church scheme, in the ensuing Parliament. Dated Edinburgh, 15 June 1606.

(lxx) Holograph letter of duty and service of the Earl of Glencairn to James VI, written after a conference with the Earl of Dunbar. Dated Berwick, 30 May 1606.

(lxxi) Holograph letter of the Earl of Erroll to James VI, on the subject of his jurisdiction as Constable, in reference to the late tumult at Perth between supporters of the Earls of Glencairn and Eglinton. Dated Logiealmond, 13 July 1606. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 81.

(lxxii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Glencairn to James VI concerning his feud with the Earl of Eglinton, and the late broil arising out of that feud, in the time of Parliament. Dated Perth, 5 July 1606. (lxxiii) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning the increase of the Catholics; the late taxation; the state of the Highlands and Borders; and other matters. Dated Edinburgh, 16 December 1606. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 20; and (dated 16 January 1607) in ‘Register of the Privy Council of Scotland’, volume vii, page 507.

(lxxiv) Letter from certain of the Privy Council of Scotland who had acted as Royal Commissioners to the General Assembly held at Linlithgow. The letter reports to James VI the proceedings of that Assembly. Dated Edinburgh, 16 December 1606. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 92.


  • Creation: 1560-1610, undated.


74 Items

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Microfilm available: Mf.Sec.MSS.2.

Repository Details

Part of the National Library of Scotland Archives and Manuscripts Division Repository

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