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Personal Photograph Album of Lucinda Mackay, Circa 1954-circa 2012

Identifier: MS.50836

Scope and Contents

Album contains 235 photographs and prints documenting the life of artist Lucinda Mackay (LLM), embracing her childhood in Scotland, her early education in Britain and Switzerland, her university education in Edinburgh and London, her marriage in 1983 to Sheriff David Bogie, her professional career, social events and special occasions, and her friends and family.

Each photograph is accompanied by manuscript text provided by the artist listing the persons or events in question. The identity of the photographer for each photograph is not given. Album also includes a print of a drawing by Lucinda Mackay of her mother's sister-in-law, Elizabeth Hannay, drawn in circa 1952.

Photographs in this album include:

1. Châtelard School Ski team, Switzerland [?1954]

2. Professor Peter Higgs at Yellowcraigs near Dirleton (circa 1980)

3. Left, Alison Bradbury, art teacher at Châtelard School, with Fraulein Gottstein, deputy head (circa 1955)

4-9. Pre-wedding celebrations in Leslie’s Bar, Causewayside, Edinburgh (1983)

8. Mr Fergie Meek (1983)

10. Elspeth Whiteley (now Mrs Colin lskander) head girl at Châtelard School

11. LLM on her pony William in Angus [?1956/57]

12. Châtelard School 6th Form in Montreux, Switzerland.

13. Margaret Curren, nee Collie, Latin teacher at Châtelard School

14. LLM, Leslie's Bar (1983)

15. Patrick Roe, LLM’s brother

16. Leslie’s Bar (1983)

17. Downhill Only Club, Wengen (1959)

18. LLM’s brother, Jamie. Zermatt [?1951]

19. LLM’s nanny Janet or Joan Constance Bligh. Zermatt [?1951]

20. Jamie, Lucinda and Peter. LLM with her two brothers. Zermatt [?1951]

21. Jamie learning to ski. Zermatt [?1951]

22. Châtelard School ski team. (Not present)

23. Glenapp Castle, Ayrshire. One of LLM’s father, Lord lnchcape’s properties

24. Peter, Jamie, Lucinda in Zermatt [?1951]

25. Dr Jocelyn Scott Peccei, Châtelard School friend. Wife of the particle physicist Roberto (Zenoj Peccei, who later took Lucinda Mackay and friends to Cern.

26. Christine Wilkinson skiing. Châtelard School friend

27. Gypsy, left, and Barbara at Auchencosh in Ayrshire. LLM’s father’s ponies (circa 1951)

28. Jamie at Zermatt [?1951]

29. Châtelard School “0” level GCE class [?1954]

30. LLM self portrait at Châtelard

31. Châtelard School ski team (circa 1955)

32. Virginia Ashton nee Liddell, Châtelard, married to the late Michael Ashton MP

33. Robert Johnson Ferguson and LLM at a dance, Prestonfield House (October 1991)

34. Châtelard School friends at Gruyere

35. Professor Duncan Macmillan and Graham Dunstan Martin. Ball at Prestonfield House (1991)

36. The late Bridget Herbert, nee Hibbert, LLM’s first cousin in Denmark (1972)

37. Ian Dickson, fellow student at ECA, and Anthony Matthews in the background. Turkey (1964)

38. Rebecca Mackay, LLM, and Iona Mackay, Dumfriesshire [?1971]

39. Kitten enjoying some shade, Turkey (1964)

40. Edinburgh University Dramatic Society rehearsing ”A Clandestine Marriage” in the EU Chaplaincy Centre prior to touring Scotland with it (1963)

41. LLM’s brother, Jamie Mackay (1957)

42. Châtelard School 6th form in Montreux, Switzerland.

43. Edinburgh University Dramatic Society (EUDS) rehearsal.

44. Georgia Nisbet in the Hyde Park Hotel on her wedding day. (Not present)

45. EUDS on tour, lnveraray. (The Importance of Being Earnest) (1962)

46. LLM’s aunt, Lady Joanna Tanlaw at Eskdalemuir.

47. DHO Boys Team, Wengen (circa 1959)

48. Joanna Tanlaw with her daughter Iona Mackay (1972)

49. No information provided

50. Elspeth Whitley at the start of a ski run. Les Diablerets (circa 1956)

51. Michael Horovitz, the poet, with his son Adam and a small friend.

52. The Countess of Inchcape, LLM’s sister in law, when she was Georgina Glenapp (circa 1968)

53. Adam, Frances and Michael Horovitz, Herefordshire (mid 1970s)

54. Peter and Georgina Inchcape with their daughter, Elspeth

55. Melanie with Patrick Roe in Switzerland, LLM’s brother and sister

56. Patrick Roe, LLM’s brother, in Switzerland

57. Carly (Caroline) Mackay, LLM’s sister in law at Addington, in the home of Kenneth and Caroline Inchcape

58. Graham Dustan Martin, Lecturer in French, University of Edinburgh, and author

59. Cappadocia, Turkey (1964)

60. Cappadocia, Turkey (1964)

61. Zelve, Cappadocia, Turkey (1964)

62. Print of Anthony Matthews, Cappadocia, Turkey (photograph not present)

63. Bridget Herbert, nee Hibbert, cousin, Denmark [?1971/72]

64. Georgina Nisbet on her wedding day, London (1966)

65. Michael and Gisela Hibbert on their wedding day, island of Fyn, Denmark [?1971/72]

66. Ove Reventlow Mourier and LLM and a cousin of Ove’s, Denmark. Ove is a cousin of the late Lucie Mackay, LLM’s aunt [?1971/72]

67. EUDS Rehearsal (circa 1963)

68. Professor Barbara Whitehouse, nee Bentley, at Châtelard School

69. LLM playing tennis with her mother, Mrs Aline Thom Roe, “Pixie” (circa 1953)

70. Professor Barbara Whitehouse, nee Bentley at Glenapp (1956)

71. Angela Cottrell Dormer, nee Smith, at Much Hadham with her horse “Red Shoes”, Kirby Lodge, Cambridge. A school friend

72. Glenapp Castle gardens

73. Left. Miss Diana (Dinny) Thorold. Right. Madeline Phillips. Kirby Lodge school friends (circa 1960)

74. Mary Wilson, a Châtelard school friend

75. School cat, Châtelard (circa 1956)

76. Melanie Roe, Elba. LLM’s sister (circa 1956)

77-81. Alice Xocon, whose portrait LLM painted.

82. L-R: Adam, Frances and Michael Horovitz, poets (circa 1976)

83. Frances and Michael Horovitz, poets

84-85. Cappadocia, Turkey (1964)

86. LLM’s brothers: Peter (L) and Jamie (R) at a shooting party

87. Sara Kidd and Richard Humphries rehearsing “The Importance of Being Earnest” with EUDS.

88. LLM’s cousin, James Mackay, playing. Eskdalemuir [?1971/72]

89. L-R: Bridget Herbert, Michael Hibbert, Gisela Hibbert, Lady Patricia Fairweather my aunt, Caroline Hibbert.

90. L Rebecca Mackay, R Iona Mackay

91. Patrick Roe (LLM’s brother), Elba

92. Iona Mackay in foreground, Eskdalemuir [?1971/72]

93. The Horovitzes and friends, poets

94. Print of Ian Dickson and Anthony Matthews (photograph not present)

95. Caroline Hibbert, my first cousin, in Denmark. Married names Porter and Anderson.

96. Kristina Mackay in Denmark, married to Simon Lamb (circa 1971)

97. LLM at Glenapp Castle (circa 1960)

98. LLM, Peter and Jamie at Zermatt [?1951]

99. The Existentialists’ Party at Châtelard, 6th floor (circa 1957)

100. Miss Patricia Barnes, posing for her portrait, at LLM’s home in London, 14 Clareville Street

101. Freddy von Nidda at 14 Clareville Street, London. A portrait sitter of LLM’s (circa 1973)

102. LLM self portrait in the studio at 14 Clareville Street, London.

103. Dr C Philip Stevens in London. A friend from EUDS (1970s)

104. Melinda Camber Porter at 14 Clareville Street. A writer, and sometimes a house guest

105. Self portrait LLM

106. Miss Patricia Barnes. Portrait sitter at 14 Clareville Street (circa 1973)

107. LLM with Sheriff Isabel Anne Poole in Venice

108. LLM with her puppy, Ramsay, in Queen Street Gardens, Edinburgh

109. LLM in her sitting room at 53 Frederick Street, Edinburgh (circa 1986)

110-114. Professor and Mrs Neil Tennant (Megan), with Megan’s parents, Mr and Mrs Anderson, and the Tennants’ children, Liz and Kate.

115. Professor David Abercrombie

116. 6th Form existentialist party, Châtelard School.

117. Châtelard School GCO “O” group (circa 1956)

118. Melinda Camber Porter at her father’s house in Wimpole Street

119. LLM and Miss Joan Bligh, Glenapp Castle (circa 1960)

120. Fishing trip on the Tweed (circa 1963)

121. Verity Weston, Châtelard friend, in Elba (1956)

122-123. Ceremony for the installation of a plaque to Sir Sidney Goodsir Smith in Drummond Place, Edinburgh [?1984]

124. Jacqueline Roe, LLM's stepsister, who became the wife of Sir Hal Miller MP, in Villais (circa 1958)

125. LLM with “Red Shoes”, the horse belonging to Angela Cottrell Dormer at Much Hadham (circa 1959/60)

126. Barbara Bentley (Professor Barbara Whitehouse) and Carly Mackay at Glenapp

127. Dr. David Robinson, Lecturer in French, Edinburgh University

128. Dr. David Robinson and Hector Blair (Russian Department, Edinburgh University)

129. LLM’s stepsister, Sarah Roe (circa 1958)

130. Prizegiving for the Daily Mail painting competition to mark the opening of the Forth Road Bridge (1964)

131. Lionel Daiches QC, portrait sitter for LLM (1978)

132. Joe Maxwell, friend, and Melanie Roe, LLM’s sister in Stockbridge, Hants (circa 1969)

133. Melanie Roe in Stockbridge, Hants (circa 1969)

134. Geraldine Williams, nee Smith, in EUDS rehearsal [?1963]

135. LLM with a guest of her father’s at Glenapp Castle

136. Elspeth Whitley with Châtelard School ski-ing prizes. Les Diablerets (1956)

137. LLM with her sister, Melanie Roe, Stockbridge, Hants (circa 1969)

138. Châtelard School ski team with LLM as captain

139. Cappadocia, Turkey (1964)

140. Mary Abercrombie, wife of Prof David Abercrombie.

141. Rebecca and Iona Mackay, Dumfriesshire (cousins) (circa 1972)

142. Self portrait, 14 Clareviile Street

143. Cappadocia, Turkey (1964)

144. Patricia Barass, portrait sitter, London. Friend from Edinburgh University; fellow student

145. LLM with Dr and Mrs David Robinson and family, Gifford

146. Hannah and Tom Robinson and Hector Blair

147. Kristina Mackay, Denmark. 1st cousin, daughter of LLM’s uncle, Alan Mackay and his wife, Sonia.

148. Joanna Clarke, Lucy Clarke, children of Professor and Mrs Michael Clarke (Angela), neighbours in Grange Loan and subsequently Birmingham University.

149. Rebecca and James Mackay (circa 1971/72)

150. LLM’s husband, Sheriff David Wilson Bogie on their wedding day - Friday 8 April 1983, St Peter’s Church, Falcon Avenue, Edinburgh

151. LLM and David Bogie at their wedding reception, The New Club, Edinburgh (1983)

152. Prof. Duncan Macmillan, portrait sitter

153. Prof. Duncan Macmillan, portrait sitter

154. Patrick Roe and Melanie Roe, at their mother’s home (Mrs Aline T Roe), Crét Bernard, Switzerland

155. LLM, Megan Tennant, Prof Neil Tennant, Mrs Anderson, Mr Anderson (Megan’s parents)

156. Graham Dunstan Martin, portrait sitter. Lecturer in French, Edinburgh University

157. LLM at Glenapp (circa 1966)

158. David Murdoch, portrait sitter, and his wife Dr Tessa Murdoch

159. LLM in the gardens of Ian Caddy’s home (circa 1988)

160. Joseph Hyera dancing with LLM

161. LLM as a child of 5 in Villars, Switzerland

162. Alan Bold, poet. LLM was in the same year at ECA as Alice Bold, Alan’s wife.

163. Miss Patricia Barass. Near Lords, London. Portrait sitter

164. Dr Tessa Murdoch with her daughters, Iona, left, and Frances, right.

165. Patrick Roe, LLM’s half brother, at Stockbridge in Hampshire (circa 1969)

166. Melanie Roe, LLM’s half sister. Stockbridge, Hampshire (circa 1969)

167. Caroline Martin, portrait sitter. Clareville Street (circa 1973)

168. Melinda Camber Porter, writer

169. Sir Hewie Dalrymple, a friend of LLM’s father. Ballantrae. Brother of Earl af Stair [?1982]

170. Sir Hewie Dalrymple [?1982]

171. Sir Hewie Dalrymple [?1982]

172. LLM in Ballantrae. [?1982]

173. Left, Robert Dalrymple, Hewie Dalrymple’s son and Robert's wife Caroline, and Sir Hewie Dalrymple [?1982]

174. Robert Dalrymple, Hewie Dalrymple’s son and Robert's wife Caroline, and Sir Hewie Dalrymple [?1982]

175. Carlock House, Glenapp Estate, where LLM spent her early years.

176-180. Glenapp Castle [?1982]

181. Alice Robertson, née Coxon, at her parents’ home in Edinburgh

182. Sheriff Isobel Anne Poole, with her mother Mrs Mary Poole in the background [?1984]

183. Sheriff David Wilson Bogie, LLM's husband

184. LLM, left, with Eleanor Howie and her husband Branislav Sudjic, lawyer

185. Dr. John Poole, Isobel’s father, Ruth Victor, a Dutch friend of the Pooles’, Lionel Daiches, standing, Isobel Poole with her back turned, and Mary Poole, Isobel’s mother.

186. The late Miss Jean Shanks, a cousin of LLM’s on her father’s side of the family

187. Jean Shanks

188. Sheriff lain D MacPhail, in France.

189. Rosslyn and David MacPhail in France [?1982]

189A. LLM on location in East London (1973)

190-194. The Studio at LLM’s flat in 53 Frederick Street, Edinburgh

195. LLM at 14 Clareville Street (circa 1973)

195A-B. LLM at 14 Clareville Street (circa 1973)

196. Melanie Roe, Elba (circa 1958)

197. Print of Miss Dorothy Braginton, Headmistress and founder of Chatelard School, Switzerland.

198-199. Print of LLM’s mother, as the Countess of Inchcape, with her children, Peter Glenapp and LLM

200. Robert (Zeno) Peccei and his wife Jocelyn Scott Peccei, Chatelard School friend.

201. Robert (Zeno) Peccei and his wife Jocelyn Scott Peccei, Chatelard School friend.

202. Peccei Family.

203. Matteo, Massimo, Angi, Jasmin and Mimi

204. Brian, Peaches , Alessandra, James and Samantha Peccei

205. Tavsanle Kilise in Cappadocia, Turkey. The Rabbit Church (1964)

206. Georgina Nisbet on her wedding day to Peter Glenapp, LLM’s brother

207. LLM with her portrait of Josephine White, a neighbour

208. LLM at Woodburn Terrace (circa 2012)

209. Print of LLM working on stage sets for EUDS, lnveraray (circa 1962)

210. LLM with her portrait of Marie Renfrew (circa 2011)

211. Print of Princess Anne meeting LLM at the Palace of Holyrood House on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Edinburgh University Club of London (July 2014)

212. Irene Gordon at Frederick Street (circa 1999)

213-216. Prints of LLM and EUDS (Edinburgh University Dramatic Society) (circa 1962)

217. Print of Tom Hutton as Ernest, and LLM as Gwendolen, in The Importance of Being Earnest for EUDS (1963)

218. Print of LLM and Anne Thistleton (Cecily) (1963)

219. Print of LLM rehearsing (1963)

220. Print of LLM rehearsing with Anne Thistleton (1963)

221-229. Prints of LLM in The Importance of Being Earnest [?1962/63]

230-235. Prints of EUDS production tour of Twelfth Night (1961)


  • Creation: Majority of material found within Circa 1954-circa 2012

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1 Volumes ; 36x36cm

Language of Materials


Related Materials

See also Artist Inventory at MS.50841

Repository Details

Part of the National Library of Scotland Archives and Manuscripts Division Repository

Archives and Manuscript Division
National Library of Scotland
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