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Murray, John, Sir, Knight (publisher (IV)) (1851-1928)



  • Existence: 1851 - 1928

Found in 761 Collections and/or Records:

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Guardian to Guillemard, F.

Identifier: MS.40497
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Guardian Assurance Company.Letter, 1835, of George Keys of the Guardian Assurance Company to John Murray II. Folio 1.Gubbins, Richard.Letter, 1803, of Richard Gubbins to John Murray II. Folios 2-3.Guedalla, Haim.Letter, 1867, of Haim Guedalla to John Murray III. Folios 4-5.Guerini, Giovanni.Letters, 1865,...

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Haass to Hadow, and company names beginning with initial H., 1820-1909.

Identifier: MS.40500
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name. An additional correspondent has been added to the end of the sequence.H. Blaikley and Co.Memorandum, 1901, of H. Blaikley and Co. to John Murray IV. Folio 1.H. Champion.Letter, 1896, of H. Champion to John Murray IV. Folios 2-3.H. J. Cooper and Co. Ltd.Letter, 1893, of Frederick James Forman on behalf of H. J. Cooper and Co Ltd...
Dates: 1820-1909.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hamilton, W. to Hannah., 1812-1927.

Identifier: MS.40517
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Hamilton, Walter Bernard.Letters, 1908, of Walter Bernard Hamilton to John Murray IV. Folios 1-3.Hamilton, William.Letters, 1812 and 1814, of William Hamilton to John Murray II. Folios 4-9.Hamilton, William.Letter, 1825, of William Hamilton to John Murray II. Folios 10-11.Hamilton, William Alexander Baillie-....
Dates: 1812-1927.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hare and Whitfield to Harford, J., 1814-1908.

Identifier: MS.40523
Scope and Contents The letters are arranged chronologically under each correspondent.Hare and Whitfield, solicitors.Letter, 1860, of Hare and Whitfield to John Murray III concerning ‘Mr Doxat’ [?Lewis Doxat]. Folio 1.Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert.Letters, 1859-1864, 1872-1873, 1877 and 1896, of Augustus Hare to John Murray III and John Murray IV. Folios 2-89.Included is a letter, 1864, of Joseph Pentland to John Murray III concerning Augustus Hare...
Dates: 1814-1908.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hargrave to Harney., 1821-1924.

Identifier: MS.40524
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Hargrave, Mary.Letter, 1899, of Mary Hargrave to John Murray IV. Folios 1-2.Hargreaves, John. Letter, c1893, of John Hargreaves to John Murray IV. Folio 3.Hargrove, William. Letter, 1836, of William Hargrove to John Murray II. Folios 4-5.Harington, Charles Sumner. Letter, 1863, of Charles Sumner Harington to John...
Dates: 1821-1924.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Harper to Harrap., 1815-1901.

Identifier: MS.40525
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Harper, Fletcher.Letter, 1873, of Fletcher Harper to John Murray III. Folios 1-2.Harper, Francis Perego.Letter, 1901, of Francis Perego Harper to John Murray IV. Folio 3.Harper, Hugo Daniel.Letter, 1851, of Hugo Daniel Harper to John Murray III. Folios 4-5.Harper, James Thorne.Letter, 1900, of James Thorne...
Dates: 1815-1901.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Harrison, L. to Hart, H., 1823-1918.

Identifier: MS.40528
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Harrison, Laurence.Letter, after 1878, of Laurence Harrison to John Murray III. Folios 1-2.Harrison, Mary Anne.Letter, 1823, of Mary Anne Harrison to John Murray II. Folios 3-4.Harrison, Robert.Letters, 1861 and 1874, of Robert Harrison to John Murray III. Folios 5-8.Harrison, W H.Letter, 1856, of W H...
Dates: 1823-1918.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hassall to Hathorn., 1820-1914.

Identifier: MS.40531
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Hassall, Arthur.Letters, 1891, 1894-1895, 1897-1898 and 1900-1901, of Arthur Hassall to John Murray III and John Murray IV. Folios 1-54.Folios 3-4. Circular, ?1891, advertising a work entitled ‘Five Queens of the Eighteenth Century’. Sent as an enclosure of letter, 1891, of Arthur Hassall to John Murray III, folios 1-2.Folio 39. Title page, 1900, for ‘A...
Dates: 1820-1914.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Haygarth to Haynes., 1808-1928.

Identifier: MS.40538
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Haygarth, Henry William.Letters, 1848, 1859-1860, 1862-1863, 1871, 1876 and 1891, of Henry William Haygarth to John Murray III. Folios 1-30.Folio 22. Circular, 1863, containing a letter of Henry William Haygarth to his parishioners asking for contributions to a new infants school room in the parish. Sent as an enclosure of letter, 1863, of Henry William Haygarth to...
Dates: 1808-1928.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Heinemann to Helm., 1825-1924.

Identifier: MS.40543
Scope and Contents The letters are arranged chronologically under each correspondent.Heinemann, W.Letter, 6 July 1825, of W. Heinemann to John Murray II in which he offers Murray the manuscript of his Hebrew Grammar. Folios 1-2.Heinemann, William Henry.Letters, 1892-1918, of William Heinemann to John Murray IV. The letters concern general publishing interests.1892, 1897-1899: folios 3-9;1900-1907, 1909: folios 10-33 [Note 1];...
Dates: 1825-1924.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Henry, J. to Hentsch., 1842-1919.

Identifier: MS.40547
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Henry, James.Letter, 1857, of James Henry to John Murray III. Folios 1-12.Folios 4-10. Printed poems, ?1857, of James Henry. Sent as an enclosure of letter, 1857, of James Henry to John Murray III, folios 1-3.Folio 12. Engraving, ?1854, of a portrait of James Henry. Sent as an enclosure of a letter, 1857, of James Henry to John Murray III, folios...
Dates: 1842-1919.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Herbertson to Hermann., 1858-1910.

Identifier: MS.40552
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Herbertson, Andrew John. Letter, 1900, of Andrew John Herbertson to John Murray IV. Folio 1.Herbertson, Fanny Louisa Dorothy.Letters, 1901, of Fanny Louisa Dorothy Herbertson to John Murray IV. Folios 2-9.Folios 4-7. Prospectus, 1901, for ‘Descriptive Geography from original sources’ by Fanny Louisa Dorothy Herbertson and Andrew John...
Dates: 1858-1910.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Higgins to Hill, H., 1813-1926.

Identifier: MS.40557
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Higgin, Lily.Letters, 1906 and 1908, of Lily Higgin to John Murray IV. Folios 1-36.Folios 13-16. Letter, 1906, of Benito Perez Galdos to John Murray IV. A contemporary translation of this letter is included in folios 15-16.Folios 19-20. Letter, 1906, of B Bolton to Lily Higgin. Sent as an enclosure of letter, 1906, of Lily Higgin to John Murray IV,...
Dates: 1813-1926.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hime to Hjaltlin., 1813-1917.

Identifier: MS.40559
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Hime, Henry William Lovett.Letter, 1897, of Henry William Lovett Hime to John Murray IV. Folios 1-2.Hinchliffe, Edward.Letters, 1865, of Edward Hinchliffe to John Murray III. Folios 3-7.Hincks, Thomas Dix.Letters, 1834, of Thomas Dix Hincks to John Murray II. Folios 8-11.Hincks, William.Letter, 1844, of...
Dates: 1813-1917.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hobday to Hodgetts., 1821-1928.

Identifier: MS.40561
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Hobday, Edmund Arthur Ponsonby.Letters, 1903, of Edmund Arthur Ponsonby Hobday to John Murray IV. Folios 1-7.Folio 4v. Draft, 1903, of a letter of John Murray IV to Edmund Arthur Ponsonby Hobday.Hobhouse, Margaret Heyworth.Letter, 1916, of Margaret Heyworth Hobhouse to John Murray IV. Folios 8-10.Folios 9-10. Copy of a letter,...
Dates: 1821-1928.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hodgson, William, to Hogarth, D., 1816-1924.

Identifier: MS.40563
Scope and Contents The letters are arranged chronologically under each correspondent. Additional letters have been added to the end of the sequence.Hodgson, William Earl.Letters, 1889-1890, 1893-1894 and 1900, of William Hodgson to John Murray III, to John Murray IV and to Hallam Murray. Folios 1-21.Hodgson, Boys and Graves.Letter, 1835, of Hodgson, Boys and Graves to John Murray II. Folio 22.Hodson, Margaret.Letter, 1827, of Margaret...
Dates: 1816-1924.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hollond to Hompesch., 1813-1922.

Identifier: MS.40569
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Hollond, Spencer Edmund.Letter, 1902, of Spencer Edmund Hollond to John Murray IV. Folios 1-2.Holloway, Marseille Middleton.Letters, 1846, 1873 and 1887, of Marseille Middleton Holloway to John Murray III. Folios 3-7.Holloway Blount and Duke.Letters, 1909, of Holloway Blount and Duke to John Murray IV. Folios 8-10....
Dates: 1813-1922.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hopkins to Horne, F., 1807-1924, 1976

Identifier: MS.40577
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Hopkins, Manley.Letter, 1862, of Manley Hopkins to John Murray III. Folios 1-2.Hopkins, Renee.Letter, 1921, of Renee Hopkins to John Murray IV. Folios 3-6.Hopkins, William Bonner Leighton.Letter, 1893, of William Bonner Leighton to Alexander Henry Hallam Murray. Folios 7-8.Hopkinson, Benjamin.Letters, 1827...
Dates: 1807-1924, 1976

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Horwitz to Housman., 1827-1910.

Identifier: MS.40583
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Horwitz, Ernst.Letters, 1904, of Ernst Horwitz to John Murray IV. Folios 1-7.Folio 3. Visiting card, ?1904, of Ernst Horwitz. Sent as an enclosure of letter, 1904, of Ernst Horwitz to John Murray IV, folios 1-2.Folios 4-5. Prospectus, ?1904, for a work entitled ‘Aryan Civilisation in the Light of Language’ by Ernst Horwitz. Sent as an enclosure of...
Dates: 1827-1910.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Howe to Howson., 1814-1918.

Identifier: MS.40585
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Howe, J K.Letter, 1903, of J K Howe to John Murray IV. Folios 1-2.Howe, J W Hamilton.Letters, undated, of J W Hamilton Howe possibly to John Murray IV. Folios 3-4.Howe, Sonia Elizabeth.Letter, 1918, of Sonia Elizabeth Howe to John Murray IV. Folios 5-6.Howe, W.Letters, 1844, of W Howe to John Murray III. ...
Dates: 1814-1918.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Huber to Hudson., 1821-1918.

Identifier: MS.40587
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name. Further correspondents have been added to the end of the sequence.Huber, Victor Amie.Letters, 1844, 1846, 1849 and undated, of Victor Amie Huber to John Murray III. Folios 1-14.Hubert Rutherford Brown.Letter, 1918, of Hubert Rutherford Brown to John Murray IV. Folio 15.Huchon, Rene Louis.Letters and postcards, 1901-1906, of Rene...
Dates: 1821-1918.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Hughes, J. to Hughes Massie and Co., 1823-1921.

Identifier: MS.40589
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Hughes, John (author).Letters, 1823-1824, 1829, 1852 and 1856, of John Hughes to John Murray III. Folios 1-15.Hughes, John (journalist).Letter, 1917, of John Hughes to John Murray IV. Folios 16-18.Folio 18. Copy of a letter, 1918, of John Murray IV to John Hughes.Hughes, John Bickley.Letters, 1901, of John Bickley...
Dates: 1823-1921.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Ibbetson to Inge, S., 1807-1925.

Identifier: MS.40598
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Ibbetson, Henry Levett Boscawen.Letter, 1862, of Henry Levett Boscawen Ibbetson to John Murray III. Folio 1.Ideville, Henri Amedee Le Lorne d'.Letter, 1872, of Henri Amedee Le Lorne d'Ideville, Comte d’Ideville, to John Murray III. Folios 2-3.Idman, Niilo Rudolf.Letter, 1914, of Niilo Rudolf Idman to John Murray IV. Folios 4-5....
Dates: 1807-1925.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Inman to Irby., 1823-1916.

Identifier: MS.40601
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Inman, Alfred Henry.Letters, 1909, of Alfred Henry Inman to John Murray IV. Folios 1-3.Innes, Alexander William.Letter, 1847, of Alexander William Innes to John Murray III. Folios 4-5.Innes, Arthur Donald.Letters, 1892, 1899 and 1904, of Arthur Donald Innes to John Murray IV. Folios 6-30.Folio 11. Letter, 1899, of an...
Dates: 1823-1916.

Letters to John Murray, publishers, of correspondents with surnames and company names from Iredale to Isenthal., 1813-1925.

Identifier: MS.40602
Scope and Contents All the letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent and by date under each name.Iredale, Andrew.Letters, 1895 and 1897, of Andrew Iredale to John Murray IV. Folios 1-2.Iredell, James Stanley.Letters, 1922, of James Stanley Iredell to John Murray IV. Folios 3-4.Ireland, John.Letters and a copy of a letter, 1821, 1823-1824, 1826-1827, 1832-1834 and 1838, of John Ireland to John Murray II. Folios 5-41....
Dates: 1813-1925.

Additional filters:

Letters. Correspondence. 753
Postcards. 194
Copies. Derivative objects. 192
Notes. 181
Press cuttings. Information artifacts. 154
∨ more
Circulars. Fliers. 76
Telegrams. 65
Advertisements. 64
Proofs. printed matter 57
Envelopes. 55
Memorandums. 54
Drafts. Documents. 53
Visiting cards. 52
Lists. 48
Receipts. Financial records 47
Typescripts. 44
Prospectuses 36
Excerpts. 28
Accounts. 26
Photocopies. 23
Poetry. 23
Estimates. Financial records. 19
Business records. 18
Prospectuses. 18
Business cards. 17
Manuscripts. 16
Receipts. Financial records. 16
Fliers. Printed matter. 15
Pages. 15
Reviews. Document genre 15
Specimens. 15
Photographs. 14
Sketches 14
Proofs. Printed matter. 13
Articles. 11
Letters of recommendation. 11
Outlines. Documents. 11
Pamphlets. 11
Testimonials. 11
Agreements. Legal instruments. 10
Picture postcards. 10
Invitations. 9
Leaflets. 9
Maps. Cartographic materials. 9
Synopses. 9
Title pages. 8
Translations. Documents. 8
Illustrations. Layout features. 7
Offprints. 7
Reports. 7
Transcriptions. Documents. 7
Tables of contents. 6
Title pages 6
Transcripts 6
Circular letters. 5
Financial records. 5
Fragments. 5
Invoices. 5
Prefaces 5
Summaries. 5
Contracts. Agreements. 4
Drawings. Visual works. 4
Duplicates. Copies. 4
Handbills. 4
Legal instruments. 4
Minutes. Administrative records. 4
Portraits 4
Prefaces. 4
Sketches. 4
Calculations. 3
Catalogues. 3
Indentures. Legal Instruments. 3
Page proofs. Proofs (printed matter) 3
Periodicals. 3
Samples 3
Admission tickets. Tickets. 2
Algiers (inhabited place). Africa - Algeria - Alger. Longitude: 3.0000. Latitude: 36.8333. 2
Asia Minor. Asia - Turkey - Asia Minor. General region. Longitude: 35.0000. Latitude: 39.0000. 2
Assignment of copyrights. Legal documents. 2
Assignments. Legal documents. 2
Bills of exchange. 2
Bookplates. 2
Cheques. 2
China. Asia. Nation. Longitude: 105.0000. Latitude: 35.0000. 2
Coats of arms. devices (symbols). 2
Compliments slips. 2
Criticism. 2
Engravings. Prints. 2
Extracts. 2
Figures. Illustrations. 2
Forms. Documents. 2
Impressions. prints. 2
Legal documents. 2
Letter cards. 2
Mediterranean Sea . Sea. Longitude: 30.0000. Latitude: 31.5000. 2
Memorandums. Legal documents. 2
Obituaries. 2
Opinions. Legal documents. 2
Order forms. 2
Page proofs. Proofs (printed matter). 2
+ ∧ less